Hungarian Studies Review Vol. 8., 1981

No. 1. Spring

Contents PREFACE 5 INTRODUCTION 7 PAPERS Historical Hungary as Background for Hutterite Needle­work in Canada 11 MARIA H. KRISZTINKOVICH The Emigration Problem and Hungary's Lawmakers, 1880-1910 25 MARY BOROS-KAZAI From Industries to Farming 45 MARTINL. KOVACS Immigrant Lives and Lifestyles in Canada, 1924-1939 61 N. F. DREISZIGER The Organizational Development of the Hungarian Community of Ontario 85 SUSAN M. PAPP DOCUMENTS Language Usage: An Interview with a Hungarian American 99 MIKLOS KONTRA and GREGORY L. NEHLER The Hungarian Consulates and the Educational Needs of Hungarian Schools in Canada, 1936-1940: Documents 119 IVANHALASZ de BEKY Hungarian Poetry in the Diaspora: A Symposium 127 REVIEW ARTICLE The Hungarian Community of Cleveland 137 S. B. VARDY
