Acta Phytopathologica 19. (1984)

1-2. szám

Contents A simple semisynthetic diet for rearing of the fall webworm Hyphantria cunea Drury M. Toth and G. Szőcs ............................................................................................ 3 Fungi associated with a scale-insect, Quadraspidiotus ostreaeformis (Curtis, 1843) (Homop­­tera, Coccoidea: Diaspididae) L. Hornok and F. Kozár.......................................................................................... 9 Clicks beetles (Elateridae) in the soils of Central Europe — Their distribution and descrip­tion. Part I. (Gen.: Agriotes) Z. Tóth .................................................................................................................. 13 Aspects of mutagenic nematode theory J. P. Hollis............................................................................................................... 31 The summer fruit tortrix moth: Sex pheromone performance in the field M. El-Adl and S. Bognár............................................................................................43 Dispersion and movement activity of some important moth pests living on stone fruits Gy. Sziráki............................................................................................................... 51 Results of faunistical studies in Hungarian maize stands (Maize Ecosystem Research, No. 16.) Z Mészáros, !.. Adáin, /. M. Benedek, A. D. Draskovits, F. Kozár, G. Lövet, S. Mohunkét, A. Meszleny, F. Mihályi, L. Nagy, J. Papp, L. Papp, L. Polgár, V. Rácz, L. Ronkay, A. Soós, S. Szabó, Cs. Szabóky, L. SzaUty-Marzsó, l. Szarukán, G. Szelényi, F. Szentkirályi ........................................................................................ 65 Results of faunistical and floristical studies in Hungarian apple orchards (Apple eco­system research, No. 26.) Z. Mészáros, L. Adám, К. Balázs, I. M. Benedek, Cs. Csikai, A. D. Draskovits, F. Kazár, G. Lövei, S. Mahunka, A. Meszleny, F. Mihályi, L. Nagy, B. Oláh, J. Papp, L. Papp, L. Polgár, Z. Radwan, V. Rácz, L. Ronkay, P. Solymosi, A. Soós, S. Szabó, Cs. Szabóky, L. Szalay-Marzsó, I. Szarukán, G. Szelényi, F. Szentkirályi, Gy. Sziráki, L. Szőke, J. Török.....................................................................................91 PESTICIDE CHEMISTRY Application of modified silica gels in the pesticide analysis. I. Preparation and preliminary investigations T. Cserháti, A. Kuszmann-Borbély, A. Dévai.........................................................177 DISEASES Biochemical changes in barley plants in the preparasitic stage of powdery mildew barley interaction Fridrich Frii ...............................................................................................................183 Pilzliche Zuckeralkohole und ihre Beziehung zur Sporenproduktion bei Rostpilzen der Gerste Ernst Reiss, Horst Opel und Heinz B. Schmidt......................................................193
