Acta Zoologica 43. (1997)

1997 / 1. szám - PAPP JENŐ: Revision of the Chelonus species described by A. G. Dahlbom (Hymenoptera, Braconidae: Cheloninae)

2J. РЛРР Abbreviations applied in the text: ell and cl2: first and second section of the discoidal vein; rl, r2 and r3\ first, second and third section of the radial vein; OD: diameter of an ocellus, OOL: shortest distance between hind ocellus and eye, POL: shortest distance between hind pair of ocelli. SPECIES REVISED BY MODERN AUTHORS Ascogaster abdominator (DAHLBOM, 1833 (Chelonus, p. 155): SHENEFELT 1973: 823 (as synonym of A. instabilis WESMAEL, 1835). HUDDLESTON 1984: 349 (in key) and 357 (comb, n., synonyms, taxonomic notes, redescription). Ascogaster rufipes (LATREILLE, 1809) (^Chelonus iat us DAHLBOM, 1833, p. 163): Synonymized by THOMSON 1874: 583 (see also SHENEFELT 1973: 833-834). HUDDLESTON 1984: 31 (in key) and 378 (synonyms, taxonomic notes, redescription). Ascogaster scabricula (DAHLBOM, 1833) (Chelonus, p. 166): SHENEFELT 1973: 83 (as synonym of A. similis |NEES, 18161). HUDDLESTON 1984: 351 (in key) and 379 (synonym, taxonomic notes, redescription). Chelonus oculator (FabriCIUS, 177) (Ichneumon, p. 19) (=Ichneumon —> Chelonusoculator PANZER, 1779): VAN ACHTERBERG 1982: 187 (neotype, rede­scription, taxonomic notes). TAXONOMIC RESULTS (Species revised herewith) Subsequently four species of the genus Chelonus JURINE, 1801 created by DAHLBOM are revised and redescribed. The species are compared to the related or to the taxonomically nearest species. Synonyms and necessary taxonomic notes are presented, sixty original figures help the recognition of the species treated here. From among the four chelonine species DAHLBOM the herewith re­vised three species are assigned to the genus Microchelonus SZÉPLIGETI, 1908 (M. gravenhorstii NEES = M. maculator DAHLBOM jun. syn.; M. nigritulus DAHLBOM; M. pedator DAHLBOM) and one species to the genus Schizoprymnus FÖRSTER, 1862 (Sch. pullatus DAHLBOM). For the European species of the two genera Microchelonus and Schizoprymnus a fairly good identification key of each was constructed by TOBIAS (1986a, Microchelonus'. pp. 317-335, Schizoprym­nus'. pp. 172-180). Since the publication of this book, TOBIAS himself described a series of new Microchelonus species (in several papers) from the European part of the former USSR (TOBIAS 1985-1995). Acta zoo!. hung. 43, 1997
