Nyelvtudományi Közlemények 78. kötet (1976)

Tanulmányok - Zsigmond Gábor: A néprajz és a nyelvtudomány kapcsolatai a XIX. század derekán [Relations of Ethnography and Linguistics in the Middle of the Nineteenth Century] 127

A NÉPRAJZ ÉS A NYELVTUDOMÁNY KAPCSOLATAI A XIX. SZÁZAD DEREKÁN 133 In the scientific debates comparative linguistics played the main role. PÁL HUN­FALVY — an international^ known pioneer of Finno-Ugric studies — elaborated the new concept in the research of ethnie units. Its essence is that he made the universal law in social development the core of researches. Accordingly, it turns out that in the time of the settlement in the Carpathian basin the Hungarians were not a „nomadic, conquering nation of soldiers" but as the resuit of the social division of labour they förmed a plant gathering-fishing-hunting-animal breeding-agricultural Community with a considérable military Stratum. This conception also set the lexical research in a new light, from that time on not only the vocabulary of a military nation was looked for, but also that of a forming society. However, the result was more than the scientific synthesis of the early history of the Hungárián social development. Light was thrown on the relations förmed in the course of history between Hungarians and other peoples in the Carpathian basin and elsewhere. GÁBOR ZSIGMOND
