Acta Oeconomica 2. (1967)

1967 / 3-4. szám - Bródy András: Dual Concept of the Economy in Marx's "Capital"

318 A. BRÓDY: THE DüAL CONCEPT OF THE ECONOMY conditions of simple commodity production, capitalist production, or that of “socially united producers”. Thus e.g. the theory of prices proportionate to value naturally fits the abstract category of simple reproduction since it can be proven that under conditions of simple reproduction this is the price system to be used for correct measurement. Therefore, this is the price system with the aid of which — under these conditions — management can be “rational” or “optimal”. Similarly, the theory of production prices corresponds to the category of expanded reproduction. And again, it is the dual mathematical forms which show that the difference and connection between values and production prices are the same as exist between simple and expanded reproduction. As a matter of fact, the law of value according to which under the conditions of simple commodity production goods will be exchanged in the market in proportion to the amount of labour necessary for their production will, under the conditions of capitalist expanded reproduction, be modified in the sense that the exchange of commodities in the market will be regulated by the amount of capital neces­­saryfortheir production. In the words of Marx: “The whole difficulty arises from the fact that commodities are not exchanged simply as ‘commodities’ ; but as ‘products of capitals’ . . .” [14]. Undoubtedly, the points of view of duality are clearly and consistently elaborated in the first volume of Capital. Suffice it here to point to such clearly dualistic pairs of concepts as the labour process and the realization process, the surplus product and the surplus value or the technical and value composition of capital. In my opinion, however, this point of view can be traced also in the other volumes. Let us only remember that the purpose of the second volume is to establish connecting links between the actual course of the economic process over time i.e. the circulation of the use values: means of production, tools, material stocks and so on and the ensuing circulation process of social capital as well as its respective forms. It should be noted that the profound and me­ticulous clarification of all the concepts performed here by Marx is of utmost importance for our whole management of the economy. Without the categories of fixed capital, circulating capital, return, income, etc., etc., our whole system of economic management and planning would be inconceivable. And all these categories are only consistently expounded dual reflections of all the differ­ences and shades arising in the course of the circulation of use values in the economic process. Finally, the third part, dealing with production prices, money capital and land rent — the part whose preparation for the press caused Engels so much trouble owing to its “chaotic” structure — is actually based again on dual pairs. The theory of production prices is nothing else but the exposition of the dual aspect of expanded reproduction examined in the second volume (where Ada Oeconomica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2t 1967
