Acta Oeconomica 27. (1981)

1981 / 1-2. szám

ACTA OECONOMICA A MAGYAR TUDOMÁNYOS AKADÉMIA IDEGEN NYELVŰ KÖZGAZDASÁGTUDOMÁNYI FOLYÓIRATA Felelős szerkesztő: Földi Tamás Szerkesztőség: 1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 45. 1502 Budapest Pf. 262. Megjelenik évi 2 kötetben. Megrendelhető az Akadémiai Kiadónál (1363 Pp. Pf. 24.), a külföld részére pedig a Kultúra Külkereskedelmi Vállalatnál (1389 Budapest, Postafiók 149). CONTENTS J. FÁY—R. NYERS: Specialization and Cooperation in the Hungarian Economy and the CMEA ................................................. 1 K. RAVASZ: The Role of Technology Transfer in Cooperation Agreements ..........................19 J. KOVÁCS —I. VIRÁG: Periodic Versus Continuous Growth .........................................41 A. GYULAVÁRI: Stocks and Stockpiling in Hungary — an International Comparison 57 L. KÓNYA: Conditions of Setting up Simple Forms of Cooperatives in the Hungarian Industry.........................................................................................................................................77 A. KLINGER: Population, Demographic Policy and its Instruments in Hungary .... 93 P. ERDŐS: The Acceleration of Inflation in the United States in the Seventies.................Ill B. KÁDÁR: Adjustment Problems, Patterns and Policies in Small Countries .....................125 G. HIDASI: China’s Economy in the Nineteen-Eighties ........................................................141 REVIEWS I. HUSZÁR: People in Disadvantageous (Handicapped) Situation in Hungary .................163 R. NYERS: Problems of People in Disadvantageous Social Situation from the View­point of Economic Policy ...................................................................................................178 K. KULCSÁR: Social Policy in Today’s Hungarian Society .............................................183 BOOK REVIEWS K. COTEL: System Organization of Enterprise Processes (GY. PARÁNYI) ..............191 A Series on the Proceedings of a Complex Research Project (K. COTEL) .........................193 J. ADAM: Wage Control and Inflation in the Soviet Bloc Countries (K. SZÉKFFY) 197 W. BORCHARDT—U. DIETSCH-K. BOLZ: Wirtschaftsbeziehungen und Entspan­nungspolitik. Das Beispiel der ungarischen Westwirtschaftsbeziehungen (A. INOTAI) ...............................................................................................................................199
