Bányászati és Kohászati Lapok - Kohászat, 2010 (143. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)

2010 / 3. szám

TARTALOM FROM THE CONTENT Vaskohászat Márkus Róbert Acélgyártási salakok környezetbarát hasznosítási lehetőségeinek elméleti alapjai és megvalósíthatóságának le­li etó's égéi ■E Bácskái Antal Drótkötélszakadás vizsgálata Öntészet ■ЕЕGigante, G. Hogyan tudunk gyakorlati zöld öntó'i­­parrá válni? Fémkohászat KE Paschen, Peter Ón - Zeusz - Jupiter: fémek - istenek - csillagászok Jövőnk anyagai, technológiái В Buza Gábor A lézersugaras anyagmegmunkálás ener­giaviszonyai III. Avagy mire megy el az energia? ■EB Kaptay György Határfelületi jelenségek a fémesanyag­­gyártásban III. A görbület indukálta határfelületi erő Egyesületi hírmondó ■1 Emlékezés Dr. dr.c.h. Verő József pro­­feszorra KE A 85 éves dr. Berecz Endre professzor köszöntése KE Loebeni tanulmányút KE Miskod egyetemisták az IDS Dunaferr Zrt.-ben KE П. Ózdi Ipari Örökségvédelmi Konferenda KE Köszöntések Róbert Márkus: Theoretical bases and fea­sibility possibilities of environmentally friendly utilization of steel production slags...........................................................1 Accordingly to valid EU guidelines we have to pay increasing attention to the utilisa­tion of byproducts and wastes. The typical area of use of iron metallurgicalslagsisthe building industry, including mainly foun­dations and layers with no bonding instead of natural rocks. However, beside building industry conformability the same emphasis should be laid also on environmental con­formability, as harmful components may be leached out from the slag contacting with predpitations into the surface and ground waters. This article presents the process with the goal to attract attention to threats resulted by the use of wrong quality steel production charge materials. Antal Bácskái: Examination of wire rope rupture.....................................................6 The durability of meeting by a wire rope the bearing power guaranteed in the relevant standards depends on many factors. The wide service life deviation is its natural consequence. There occur also abnormal, unprofessional stresses. When looking for the causes of resulted damages, a complex assessment of damages is important. G. Gigante: How can we become a practical green foundry industry?........................11 Foundries have long looked at themselves as the nation's recyclers. Since metals were first poured it was recognized that recycling old iron castings was the easiest mannerto make another casting and reuse society's unwanted cast articles. Later, steel scrap was introduced into our charge mixes as an additional feedstock to achieve the same goal. This recycling trend exten­ded to most other metals cast, including aluminum, copper and lead. Today, because of our recycling of metals, most foundries have long considered themselves a part of the green technology movement before the term "green" was even coined. In reality, the foundry indust­ry has only scratched the surface of being green and has yet to achieve the higher level of sustainability that the future will demand. We are an energy intensive industry, handle massive quantities of processed waste materials often destined for landfills, and have the potentialto emit a large quantity of carbon dioxide and other pollutants into the atmosphere. Peter Paschen: Stannum - Zeus - Jove: me­tals - gods - astronomers.................19 The history of stannum goes back to bronze age. Stannum and copper are metals of oldest human use. Earliest cultures con­nected metals with gods, stars i.e. religion and astronomy, symbols of planets. The origin of the word stannum ("Zinn") - the seven days of the week. There exists an intellectual - physical connection between metal stannum and Zeus/Jove. Gábor Buza: Energetic conditions of mate­rial processing with laser beam Ш. Or: What consumes the energy?.................27 In the first two parts of this series of artic­les we presented important thoughts required to review the energetic conditions of material processing with laser beam. In this finishing third part we apply the con­siderations of the thoughts in the previous two parts on the conditions of deep seam laser beam welding. It can be seen that the analysis of laser beam welding results with metallographical methods and calcula­tions of energy quantity may also lead to results, that with traditional modelling methods can be expected only with big dif­ficulties and considerable uncertainty. György Kaptay: Interfacial phenomena in metallic materials technologies. Part 3. The curvature induced interfacial force.......33 In the third part of this series of papers the equation for the curvature induced interfa­cial force is derived. The result is identical with the well-known Laplace equation. The curvature induced interfacial pressure determines the gas pressure needed to sta­bilize bubbles in liquids. Building the Laplace pressure into the Gibbs equation, the dependence of the latter on the curva­ture and size of the phase is obtained (the so-called Kelvin equation). The approaches of Kelvin and Gibbs are compared for the interpretation of nano phase equilibria. Öntészet rovatunkat az 1950-ben indí­tott és 1991-ben megszűnt önálló szak­lap, a BKL Öntöde utódjának tekintjük. Szerkesztőség: 1027 Budapest, Fő utca 68., IV. em. 413. • Telefon: 201-7337 • Telefax: 201-2011 • Levélcím: 1371 Budapest, Pf. 433. vagy kohaszat@mtesz.hu • Felelős szerkesztő: dr. Lengyel Károly • A szerkesztőség tagjai: dr. Buzáné dr. Dénes Margit, dr. Klug Ottó, dr. Kórodi István, Lengyelné Kiss Katalin, Szende György, dr. Takács István, dr. Tardy Pál, dr. Török Tamás • A szerkesztőbizottság elnöke: dr. Sándor József. A szerkesztőbizottság tagjai: dr. Bakó Károly, dr. Csurbakova Tatjána, dr. Dúl Jenő, dr. Hatala Pál, dr. Károly Gyula, dr. Kékesi Tamás, dr. Kórodi István, dr. Ládái Balázs, dr. Réger Mihály, dr. Roósz András, dr. Takács István, dr. Tardy Pál • Kiadó: Országos Magyar Bányászati és Kohászati Egyesület • Felelős kiadó: dr. Tolnay Lajos • Nyomja: Press+Print Kft. 2340 Kiskunlacháza, Gábor Áron u. 2/a • HU ISSN 0005-5670 Belső tájékoztatásra, kereskedelmi forgalomba nem kerül. • A közölt cikkek fordítása, utánnyomása, sokszorosítása és adatrendszerekben való tárolása kizárólag a kiadó engedélyével történhet. • Interneteim: www.ombkenet.hu/bkl/kohaszat.html
