BUKSZ - Budapesti Könyvszemle 16. (2004)

2004 / 1. szám

Scherrer, Jutta ♦ Kul’turologija: Russia’s Search for Identity Sinkó, Katalin ♦ The Painter Prince in Paris: The Munkácsy Myth Steiger, Kornél ♦ The Roots of Hate Székács, István talks to Hadas, Miklós ♦ A Life of Analysis vol. 6, 3/2 vol. 12, 1-2/6 Szilágyi, János György ♦ KerényiYear 1997 vol. 8, 3-4/107 Szuhay, Péter ♦ Constructing a Gypsy National Culture vol. 5, 3/111 vol. 1, 1/6 Vámos,Tibor ♦ Intelligent Machines? vol. 9, 2-3/138 vol. 11/9 Vári, Sándor ♦ A Case of Female Hysteria in the 1880s vol. 9, 4/179 REVIEW ARTICLES Babarczy, Eszter ♦ End without End (Perneczky, Géza) vol. 5, 4/158 Bácskai,Vera ♦ In the City (Gyáni, Gábor) vol. 9, 2-3/78 Bak, János M. ♦ Every Medieval Day (Kubinyi, András; Laszlovszky, József, eds.) vol. 3, 2/73 Bak, János M. ♦ The Elefánthy Saga (Fiigedi, Erik) vol. 4, 3/129 Balog, Iván ♦ Anti-Semitism Demythologized? vol. 3, 1/23 Bartov, Omer ♦ Who Perpetrated the Holocaust? (Deák, István) vol. 12, 1-2/31 Bereczkei, Tamás ♦ Szondi and the Genetics of the Mind (Szondi, Lipót) vol. 7, 4/162 Birnbaum, Henrik ♦ Was Medieval Moravia in the Hungarian Plain? (Eggers, Martin) vol. 6, 4/189 Borbély, Gábor—Geréby, György ♦ The Angelic Doctor Makes it in Hungary (St. Thomas Aquinas) vol. 2, 2/58 Borhi, László ♦ Trianon in its Own Write (Ádám, Magda, ed.) vol. 6, 3/129 Böröcz, József ♦ Sociology Is Elsewhere (Giddens, Anthony) vol. 7, 3/118 Bródy, András ♦ The Lobotomy of Central Europe (EASST Special Issue) vol. 6, 2/84 Burke, Peter ♦ Towards the Sociology of the Portrait (Buzási, Enikő; Campbell, Lome; Chapman, H. P; Spiro, Audrey;Vinograd, Richard) vol. 2, 4/156 Burke, Peter ♦ Central European Renaissance (Klaniczay, Tibor—Kushner, Eva—Stegmann, Andre; Buck, August; Németh, Katalin S.) vol. 3, 4/165 Czakó, Agnes ♦ Alla ungherese (Kuli, Eva) vol. 10, 3-4/106 Csaba, László ♦ The Socialist System, on Balance (Kornai, János) vol. 4, 4/177 Deák, Agnes ♦ Anticipating Slovakia (Szarka, László) vol. 6, 2/67 Deák, Agnes ♦ The Nationality Trap (Borsi-Kálmán, Béla) vol. 7, 2/57 Dupcsik, Csaba ♦ Heroes of Our Times (Szelényi, Iván) vol. 4, 2115 Erdélyi, Agnes ♦ Le Neveu de Mannheim (Welzig, Elisabeth) vol. 8, 1/29 Erdélyi, Ágnes ♦ The Cunning of the Will? (Arendt, Hannah) vol. 11/54 Erős, Ferenc ♦ An Optimist of the Soul: Ferenc Mérei vol. 1, 1/14 Erős, Ferenc ♦ The Budapest Connection (Freud, Sigmund-Ferenczi, Sándor) vol. 3, 1/18 Erős, Ferenc ♦ Don Juans and Other Cases (Lukács, Dénes, ed.) vol. 6, 1/31 Erős, Ferenc ♦ “We Are Living - Nebbish - in a Great Age!” The Freud-Ferenczi Correspondence, Vol. 2 (Falzeder, Ernst, ed.) vol. 6, 3/121 Erős, Ferenc ♦ The Longest Hate (Kovács, András, ed.) vol. 11/48 Erős, Vilmos ♦ Mályusz’s Ethnohistory (Mályusz, Elemér) vol. 5, 4/179 Fazekas, Csaba ♦ The Long Retreat (Csorba, László) vol. 11/71 Fodor, András ♦ Race and Nation (Czeizel, Endre) vol. 2, 3/110 Forgács, Éva ♦ Those Were the Days (Kállai, Ernő) vol. 2, 3/106 Forgács, Éva ♦ The Ecstasy of Stereotypes (Baudrillard, Jean) vol. 7, 4/154 Forgács, Éva ♦ Is There an East European Art? (Mansbach, Steven; Passuth, Krisztina) Forgács, Éva ♦ A Soft Persuasion (János Mattis Teutsch) Forrai, Gábor ♦ The Triumph of Argument (Allrichter, Ferenc) vol. 9, 2-3/84 vol. 11/61 vol. 4, 1/37 Fülemile, Ágnes ♦ The True and Exact Dresses of All the Nations in Transylvania (Régi erdélyi viseletek) Fülöp, Márta ♦ The Miracle of Healing (Bálint, Michael) Gál, Jenő ♦ Paradoxes of the Prague Spring (Pithart, Petr) Gellner, Ernest ♦ The Price of Velvet (Havel,Václav) Gyáni, Gábor ♦ A Tale of Two Cities (Hanák, Péter) Gyáni, Gábor ♦ Embourgeoisement as Jewish Identity (Karády, Viktor) Gyáni, Gábor ♦ Hungary’s “Sonderweg” (Péter, László) Gyáni, Gábor ♦ The People As They Are (Paládi-Kovács, Attila, ed.) Hárs, György Péter—Komálovics, Zoltán ♦ The Well and the Vortex (Etkind, Alexander) Heim, Michael ♦ Questioning Myths and Martyrs (Pynsenl, Robert) Horváth, György ♦ Language at War (Bugarski, Jankó) Huoranszki, Ferenc ♦ Earthbound Thoughts (Mannheim, Karl) Karsai, László ♦ Historians, Victims, Executioners (Goldhagen, D. J.) Kicsi, Sándor András ♦ The Semiotics of Horror (Kovács, Akos-Sztrés, Erzsébet) Kiséry, András ♦ The Bard and Hungary (Dávidházy, Péter) Klaniczay, Gábor ♦ Incursions into Europe (Engel, Pál) Klaniczay, Gábor ♦ Eco ’s Pendulum (Eco, Umberto) Klaniczay, Gábor “People”and “Nation" An Unfinished Inquiry into the Genesis of Two Concepts (Szűcs, Jenő) Klaniczay, Gábor ♦ Enchantment or Witchcraft? (Pócs, Eva) Kocziszky, Éva ♦ Jerusalem Conquering Rome? (Heller, Agnes) Kontier, László ♦ The Promise of the History of Ideas (Ludassy, Mária) Kornai, András ♦ Cataloging Place Names (Bakró, Marianne Sz. -Kontra, Miklós, eds) Kovács, András ♦ Could Genocide Have Been Averted? (R. L. Braham) Kovács, András ♦ The Cultural Comissar with the Human Touch (Révész, Sándor) Kovács M., Mária ♦ Ethnicity and Citizenship (Brubaker, Rogers) Kovács, István ♦ Instead of Flowers (Tischler, János ed.) Köllő, János ♦ Dispelling the Fog (Kertesi, Gábor— Kézdi, Gábor) Kubinyi, András ♦ Burghers and the Reformation (Szakály, Ferenc) Kubinyi, András ♦ The Hungarian Political Elite in the Middle Ages (Engel, Pál) Laki, Mihály ♦ Fear of Flying (Szalai, Erzsébet) Laki, Mihály ♦ The Great Failure (Pirker, Theo et al.) Laki, Mihály ♦ In the Swamp (Schmidt, Mária—Tóth, László Gy.) Lányi, Kamilla ♦ The Hidden Thread (Litván, György—Varga S., Katalin) László, János ♦ Signs of Renewal (Csepeli, György; Hunyady, György) vol. 2, 2/69 vol. 2, 4/149 vol. 3, 3/109 vol. 2, 4/136 vol. 3, 1/29 vol. 7, 3/107 vol. 11/65 vol. 12, 1-2/41 vol. 10, 1-2/15 vol. 5, 4/175 vol. 5, 3/135 vol. 6, 3/13 vol. 8, 1/2 vol. 5, 3/131 vol. 10, 1-2/7 vol. 2, 1/16 vol. 3, 3/115 vol. 4, 1/25 vol. 9, 2-3/71 vol. 4, 4/186 vol. 3, 2/62 vol. 3, 2/69 vol. 1, 1/20 vol. 7, 4/158 vol. 4, 2/8 vol. 7, 2/63 vol. 10, 3-4/101 vol. 7, 2/50 vol. 9, 2-3/65 vol. 7, 2/67 vol. 7,3/114 vol. 9, 2-3/100 vol. 8, 3-4/114 vol. 9, 1/24
