Európa Fórum, 1994 (4. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)

1994-03-01 / 1. szám

Studies Guillermo O’Donnell: Delegative democracy? 3 Iveta RadiCová: The attitudes to the present economic situation in Slovakia 18 Dispute Daniele Archibugl Patenting as an indicator of technological innovation 29 Patrick Gunnigle: Labour relations of international concerns in Ireland 51 Europe Research Tamás Kende: The European Parliament before and after Maastricht 61 PÁL GÁSPÁR: Budgetary criteria of the Maastricht Treaty 74 CON POWER: Ireland in the European integration 92 Surveys Regions and cities in the modernisation of Italy (Pál Golobics-István Nuber) 107 Events Industrial relations and personnel management at MNEs (László Neumann) 113 8th Congress of the European Economic Association (Péter Eső-Réka Horváth) 122 Articles in the third volume of „Európa Fórum” (1993)
