Állattenyésztés és Takarmányozás, 1996 (45. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)

1996 / 1. szám - SZEMLE - Bodó Imre: A Szerkesztőség Tanácsadó Testületének új tagja Dr. Arnold Just professzor

ÁLLATTENYÉSZTÉS és TAKARMÁNYOZÁS, 1996 Vol. 45. No. 1. New Member of the Editorial Advisory Board Prof. Dr. ARNOLD JUST Dr. Arnold Just was born in Denmark in 1932. He got his Master of Science degree at Copenhagen University, in 1956, having spent six years working at Danish and English farms parallel­ing his studies. He then worked as an advisor, researcher and the head of a pig research centre. The title of his Ph D. thesis is: Effects of different barley varieties on pigs’ growth regarding feeding and hygiene. After that he worked at the Copenhagen Royal University of Veterinary and Agriculture Sciences. His main research field involves the role of energy, proteins and minerals in fattening pigs. He spent a long sabbatical period at the University of Wisconsin (Madison). As he was interested in the biochemistry of his field too, he attended an isotope course as well. He has received official recognition many times for his work in biochemistry, physiology and for the valuable practical implications of his work. In 1984 he became the Head of the Department of Animal Physiology and Biochemistry of the Danish Institute of Animal Science. Since 1995, he has been the head of a new Department for Research in Product Quality, whose main activities include the synthesis and quality of meat, milk, egg and fur. He has written 225 scientific publications. During his successful career he has visited several institutes around the world He has also given numerous lectures, primarily on the evaluation of fodder and carcasses. Professor Just has visited Hungary several times, continuing fruitful cooperation with several research and educational institutions. He is a member of a number of committees, associations, and teams. Besides, he teaches and runs an extended advisory service at different foreign universities and FAQ as well. Imre, Bodó In the forthcoming issues we plan to introduce those scientists of international reputation who have accepted our request to become members of the Editorial Advisory Board
