Adelaidei Magyar Értesítő, 1983 (16. évfolyam, január-december)


MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE HUNGARIAN CLUB OF 5.A. INC., HELD AT THE CLUB ON THE 28th OF FEBRUARY, 1982; COMMENCING AT 6.40 PM. Members present- 61 Г / / Apologies - Mr. J. Friss, Mrs. Szilagyi, Mr. E. Ugody and Dr. A. Toth, auditor. The President reminded all those present that only financial members are eligible to attend the meeting or for nominations or elections to the Committee. Minutes of the 1981 Annual General Meeting - this report as well as reports by the various sections were published in the Ertesitt?. Questions/answers re minutes. In reply to Mrs Maria Nagy, Dr. A. Nagy stated that the school is responsible to the Education Department. Moved by Mr. L. Farkas, seconded by Mr. S. Nadasky, minutes accepted by AGM. The President reflected on the achievments and problems faced during 1981 - it was a very hard year, financially succesful but we had our problems - legal, personali­ties, finance etc. Thanked all those who helped, even if for an hour a week or a month. Some, who spend days weeks even months in helping the Club are Mr. & Mrs K.,Nagy, Mrs. R. Hobor, Mr. J. Friss, Mr. S. Nemeth, Mr. 0. Szuek. Dr. A. Nagy with Ertesito, Teachers Mrs. Hárshegyi, Mrs. G. Mészáros, Mrs. Magda Nagy, Mr. J. Garamy, Mr. J. Herendi. Ladies Group - Mrs. Ujhazy, Cristmas fair Mrs. Kezes, Mr. von Muenster - legal,secretary Mr. S. Farkas, Treasurer Mr. Kelemen, Chess Gy. Esztergomy. Misses Szucs, Mr. & Mrs. Scheer, Hanák, Jeney, Cseh, Mr. Lovas, Nádasky, M. Molnár, Laczina. Must not forget our painters Mr.P.Virág, etc. It would be impossible to list all the names of those who, with their sometimes seemingly little work helped to achieve the results of which we can be proud of. Special thanks to those organising the 1956 Memorial i.e. Mr. Garamy, Herendi, Flook, Schaeffer, Miss A. Hanák, Dr. Pers. Thanks to all who helped TREASURER'S REPORT: Audited reports are available to those wishing to study the re­sults of the Club. In Spite of being a very hard, challenging year, the results are very good. Income for the year was $87074, Expenses $81369. Christmas Fair was very good, New Year's Ball best ever; showing a surplus of $1700. Loan(balance of $1500) was paid off, overdraft of $925 was turned aruond - now we have $5706 in bank; All this happened although attendances, visiting of the Club lallen again. Thanked all those who helped him during the year i.e. Mr. K. Nagy, Mrs. R. Hobor, Mr. S. Nemeth, Mr. Szuek,Secretary Mr. S. Farkas, President Berekally. Moved by Mr. S. Nadasky, seconded by Mr. E. von Muenster that the Treasurer's report be accepted - Motion carried. President- the committee will now resign to make way for the election of a new committee for 1982. Thanked all who helped, expressed his apology to those who might have been hurt. Asked Mr. E. von Muenster to take the Chair for the duration of the election of a new President. Election of new Committee. Mr. von Muenster outlined points of the Constitution applying, i. e. eligibility to nominate, vote or be eleceted; Election will be for 15 nominated position and 15 ordinary committee member. Simple majority will decide, the positions will be filled for one year. All members of previous committee are available for re - election.
