Adelaidei Magyar Értesítő, 1992 (25. évfolyam, január-december)


HUNGARIAN CLUB OF S. A. INC. Minutes of the Annual General meeting held on the 24th of February 1991 , commencing at 6.20 p.m. Present: 65. The President welcomed all members present, asked S. Farkas to write the minutes and opened the A.G.M. Minutes of last A.G.M:The minutes 'we­re printed in the íírtesitö, everyone had the chance to read them. Moved by Mrs. G. Meszáros-Fekete, seconded by Mr.I. Jakab that the report be accep­ted; motion carried. Treasurer's report: Copy of the 1990 Balance Sheet including all financial reports were distributed to members present. Income for the year amounted to $125160-11, expenses to $123083-31 surplus: $6832-46. The treasurer com­pared the results with previous years results. Thanked the President, mana­ger and assistant managers, the bar­­personnel and Mr. J. Friss. After 12 years as treasurer, he is now looking forward to find a younger person, who would take over his duties as treasu­rer. Moved by Mr. K. Nagy, seconded by Mrs .M. Nagy that the Balance Sheet be accepted, motion carried. President's report: The Club, again, had a hard, but reasonably successful year, considering the difficult eco­nomic climate. Thanked all who helped in the Club during the year - Special thanks to the spouses of our helpers, including his wife Hugi. All department heads wrote their rep­orts in the Értesitö, everyone had a chance to read than. Any question re­garding the building or management of the Club may be addressed to the wri­ters of the reports. Although Mr. J. Friss is very busy and for a while he did not enjoy the best of health, the letting kitchen renovation is now un­der way and will be completed in the near future. The President also thanked Mrs. R.Ho­­bor for her work during the past one and a half decade. Before the committee resigns,the Pre­sident asked all to avoid roughness, foul language; urged all to be under­standing and patient. After 13 years as President, he would like to see younger leadership in the Club. If someone younger was prepared to nominate for the position of Pre­sident and was acceptable to the AGM, he would be prepared to step dam and hand over the position to the person. The President, after asking Mr. E.von Muenster to chair the election resig­ned, together with the committee, to make way for the election of new Pre­sident and coranittee for 1991. Mr.E. von Muenster thanked the Presi­dent and the ccmmittee for their work during 1991 , reminded those present of the rules governing the election of President and committee. Election of new ocranittee: President; nominations Г4г. I. Berek­­ally and Mr. S. Farkas. The Chairman suggested that Mr. Far­kas sould make a "policy speech" be­fore the election. S. Farkas in a few unprepared words outlined his ideas, e.g.the building of a strong, younger cccrmittee, the core of which will be able to manage the Club not only for a few years but for the next decade., increase active Club membership and provide added security by increasing the non-hungarian income of the Club­­see Electronic Organ Club. The Chairman suggested a secret bal­lot for this position and nominated Messrs J. Kelemen, Mr. Varga and Mrs. M. Nagy as scrutineers. Result of ballot: Mr. I. Berekallv:34 votes, Mr. S. Farkas:31 votes, there­fore Mr. I. Berekally was declared as President for 1991. Other positions: senior vicepresident Mr. S. Farkas, junior vicepresident Mr. F. Laczina (after Mrs. M. LÖrincz withdrew her nomination for the posi­tion), secretary Mr. S. Farkas, mana­ger Mr. J. Ferencz, assistant manager Mr. L. Szegedi and Mr. J. Pal, treas­urer Mr. J. Kelemen, Building direc­tor Mr. J. Friss, auditor Ms. K.TÓth committee members: Messrs. J. Gar any, J. Herendi, A. Kazi, V.Magers, K.Nagy S. Nemeth, M.Scheer, O. Szuek A. Ugo­­dy, L. Kovács, D. Sokvári, Dr. Á.Nagy Mrs. K. Bán, M. LÖrincz, É. O'Brien, J. Scheer and E. Nagy, all elected. The President thanked the A.G.M. for
