Adelaidei Magyar Értesítő, 1994 (27. évfolyam, január-december)


Laczina QAM seconded that Rule 22 be amen­ded to read: "Hie affairs and general business of the Club shall be managed by a committee con­sisting of the President, the senior vice president, the junior vice president, the treasurer, the secretary and 15 ordinary members" Result of the vote: "for" = 56 "against" = 7 therefore the motion to amend the above Rule is carried. Mr. J. Garamy AM moved, Mrs. M. Rezes se­conded that Rule 47 be amended to read: "On a show of hands and upon a poll every ordinary member present in person or by proxy shall have one vote, but no member shall be entitled to vote, unless all mo­neys present payable by him to the club, wether for subscription or otherwise shall have been paid. A member entitled to vote may do so by proxy, provided that a proxy advice in writing was signed by him and forwarded to the secretary prior to the meeting on which the proxy was intended to be used. In these Rules any reference to "persons present" shall include "those persons who are represented by proxy pur­suant to these Rules" Provided, that one person may hold one proxy only." Result of the vote: "for = 52 "Against" = 2 therefore motion to amend the above Rule is carried. Hie president closed the meeting at 5.55 p.m. HUNGARIAN CLUB OF S.A. INC. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on the 7th of March 1993 commencing at 6.00 p.m. Present: 86 Hie President welcomed all members pres­ent and opened the meeting. Minutes of last A.G.M: Moved by Mr.J.He­­rendi seconded by Mr. L. Krassovich that the report be accepted, motion carried. President's report: Special thanks to Mr I. Berekally for his help and ready ad­vices during the year which was much ne­eded for the new committee, consisting 7 new members. It was a difficult but suc­cessful year. Memorable main events were the visit by the members of the Katana József theatre,the III. Hungarian Confe­rence, several balls, the Club's 25th Anniversary dinner etc. Investments du­ring 1992 were: replacement of guttering over main hall, new kitchen cabinets,fax machine, master-key system, computer and computer госта. All data relating to mem­bership is on our computer now, after a­bout 80 hours of input and trials by Mrs É. O'Brien and the president. Our surplus is somewhat less than that of last year, mainly due to lower atten­dance, which is caused by the recession. Hie book-value of the dub is close to $400,000, but we pay property tax on the council valuation of $660,000 whilst the building is insured for $800,000.Member­ship increased by 30, on the other hand, sadly, we have lost 7 members, who have passed away.5-6 members moved interstate and 20 memberships were cancelled for non-payment of subscription for 5 years or more.It was pleasing to note more and more younger members getting involved in our cultural programmes. Hie president thanked the committee mem­bers and those outside if it, who helped in any way during the year. Thanked the various organisations which use the our Club for their functions thus helping to maintain the dub and ensuring it's cen­tral role in the life of the Hungarian community in Adelaide. Treasurer's report: Audited report for the year ended 31st December 1992 dis­tributed to all members. Income for the year= $132,773.62; payments= $145,910.39 surplus= $5198.69, total assets $441,000 total liabilities $48,600. Hie treasurer thanked especially those who help in the bar-as the trading report shows, 30% of our gross profit ($21,000) was generated by the bar. Moved by Mr. F Laczina OAM, seconded by Mr. I. Berekally that the report be accepted; motion carried. Election of new committee: Hie president reminded those present, that only financial members are entitled to vote or be elected to the committee. Mr. I. Berekally was asked to chair the el­ection of the new president. Election: Présidait: Mr. Sándor Farkas; -there being no further nominations,declared elected as president for 1993. Senior vicepresident : Mrs.Éva O'Brien; there being no further nominations, reelected un­opposed. Junior vicepresident: Messrs.József Ferencz and Attila Kazi. Mr. Attila Kazi elected as junior vicepresident after secret ballot. Secretary: Mrs.Judit Tóth elected unopposed Treasurer: Mr. Julius Kelemen elected unop­posed. Auditor: Ms. K. Tóth & Ass. elected unoppo­sed. 4.
