Hungarista Mozgalom - Ausztráliai Szórványok Tájékoztató Szolgálata, 1966 (6. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1966-01-01 / 1. szám

No.l.Vol.VI...........H. M. INFORMAT ION BULLET IN, 1st January,1966. COMMUNISM IS TREASON! HUNGARIST MOVEMENT FIGHT AGAINST COMMUNISM. 'If you opposed MARXIST COMMUNISM under all its forms.vari­ations, transformations, 1 guises and masks trace it ëverytime - to its source,------YOU ARE "AntWewish "CRANKr> THEY SAID IT! ---- The Jewish spokesman " ANT I-rJEWISH" CRANK" AT MERREDIN" THE WEST AUSTRALIAN, October 12.1965. PERTH JEWISH STUDENTS JOIN EMBASSY PROTEST. Canberra^, Mon.-Nearly 100 Jewish university students from Perth, Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide demounstrated outside the Russian Embassy for two hours this afternon. "The students, carrying placards, were protesting against alleged anti-Semitism in Russia, The students are in Canberra at­tending the 15tli annual meeting of the National Union of Australi­an Jewish Students. Many tourists in Canberra stopped to watch the protest march. The road outside the embassy was jammed with traffic.The students landed a petition to the second secretary at the embassy, Mr.Ivan L.Sterin, and the third secretary, Mr.Nikolai Izvekov. The petition said that 3,000,000 Jews were facing cultural and religi­ous extermination," The West Australian, January 4,1966. The H.M.Informátion Bulletin. 1st December,1965. "If we examine the holders of key positions in the Soviet Union, we v/ill see that this country also is under the control of the Jews." "Boris Stein, director of the Diplomatic Service School of the Soviet Foreign Office, one of the Soviet delegates to U.N.O. is a Jew. The Soviet Foreign Office is so full of Jews that Russi­ans humorously refer to it as the "Synagogue". The Jews sitting in Stalin’s brains trust were always aw<*-re that the "rutless despotism" of the Protocols can only be exercised over herd-like masses. The greatest menace of Bolshevism is its cre­ation of a herd-like mentality in the people, which thinks in terms of the lowest intellectual levels, which destroys all initiative in the individual and kills all differentiation of taste and personality. There are no Russian people left but Russian masses only, and in th­irty years’ time the same statement will apply to all the other ens­laved States behind the Iron Curtain. There will be just masses all the way from Vladivostok to Stettin. The colour of their skin may be usually white, sometimes yellow, but their distinguishing characteris­tic v/ill be the negative one of beloging to the masses. This will be a mass-produced, homogeneous and characterless human pulp that has been churned out on the assembly lines of the camps and in the retorts of Communist education propaganda. This is the youth produced by Com­munism and trained tc have no individual thoughts or ideas of their own. They have ready-made slogans only, coined by propaganda. This is a herd of anthropomorphous beings, shepherded by Jewish commissars armed with tommy-guns. One sees no longer the glittering,billions of single water-drops but only muddy and turbid flood waters. So-called civilised man of the Western world is still unaware of the meaning and importance of these anthropomorphous masses which have lost all knowledge of the , outside world, of the beauties of life and of the value of personality. The Iron Curtain hermetically sealed them off from living thoughts and Ideals. They possess less,knowledge of the outside world than had the people of the Middle Ages. They know nothing about history, culture or present-day life in the West. They live in a distorted dream-world produced and projected for them by Ilia Ehrenburg and David Zaszlavszky. Never forget Lenin's decision: "We will establish communism if it me­ans killing.three-quarters of mankind"—their way of solving our soci­al problems. J.~ ___________ r
