Hungarista Mozgalom - Ausztráliai Szórványok Tájékoztató Szolgálata, 1968 (8. évfolyam, 2-12. szám)

1968-02-01 / 2. szám

HUNGARISTA BULLETIN HUNGARIST M OTE M E II T ÏÏQRLD ASSOCIATION OF .ANT I- C OMMUNI ST HUNGARIANS Issued by.B.Kántor P.O.Box 125.Mcrredin.W.A,64-15.Australia, No.2. lit February. Tol.VIII. 1968. JUSTICE FOR HUNGARY. T R I ANON XVIII. O?,echoj ovakôa, The unusual fluctuations amounting to differences of .'.several hundred thousands . are warning for the statistici­an.Their small scientific value induced the US State Depart­ment (Bureau of Census),so estimate at the end ox 1947 the , total number of Hungarian inhabitants in Czeohoslovakia-i.e, at a timeiwhen most of the 93,000 inhabitants in Czechoslo­vakia-!, e. at a time v/hen most of the 93,000 inhabitants ear­marked for expulsion to Hungary within the exchange of popu­lation were already resettledat 610,000. If with regard to the number of Hungarian inhabitan­ts in Czechoslovakia,we want to get realistic figures,and not numbers- influenced from a political point of view,we ha­ve to take into account changes brought about within the last half century with the thoroughness of a disciplined statistic­ian. Such a proceeding will result in the following data: Hungarian inhabitants in the territories 896.000 Czechoslovakia/without Carpathian Ruthenia/42) Deducted from this figure for the army,police^,gen­darmerie, administration and courts not more tnsn 2,7 c/o 43) 24;000 8727000“ ïïar casualties 1914-1918,on the basis ox Hungary's 3,6 7 loss of pre-war territories 32,000 Expulsed after 1918 44) 100,000 Optats after 1918 45) 17,000 Emigration 1922-33 46) 10,000-159,000 ~ 713,000 Birth rate 1911-1918 /due to the 119 7 basis of the 2,4 7 in Hungary/according to 713,000 inhabitants 47) 33,000 159,000 ïïar casualties 19il-1944 /calculated on the basis of the 2,4 7 in Hungary/according to 905,000 inhabitants 47) ' 22,000 The losses of the Jews /calculated on the 75 7 key num­ber of losses of Jews according to the 1910 figures 48) 84j000 Expelled 1945 49) 39.000 140,467 Resettled to Hungary in the course of the 1947-1948 exchange of population.49) - 53,000-220,000
