Európa Fórum, 1995 (5. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)

1995-03-01 / 1. szám

В '*» шшш Studies Kálmán Mohácsi: The situation of food trade in Hungary 3 Simon Bulmer: European integration and Germany 21 Dispute Ágnes Hárs: Foreign population, migrant labour 45 Michael P. Marks: Spanish Policy in Two Institutions and Two policy Areas of the European Community 60 Europe Research Mihály Ficsor: Legal framework for the free movement of goods in the EC 75 György Farkas: Integration of the European Union and Hungary 101 Surveys The Hungarian labour right in the light of the European regulation (István Hegedűs) 113 Events____________________________________________ Globalization, regions and national states in our days (Tamás Balogh) 117
