Hidrotechnica, 1989 (Anul 34, nr. 1-12)

1989-01-01 / nr. 1

CONSILIUL NATIONAL AL APELOR INSTITUTUL DE METEOROLOGIE Șl HIDROLOGIE INSTITUT DE METEOROLOGIE ET HYDROLOGIE INSTITUT Ft'R METEOROLOGIE UND HYDROLOGIE INSTITUT OF METEOROLOGY AND HYDROLOGY ИЬСТИТУТ МЕТЕОРОЛОГИИ И ГИДРОЛОГИИ Șoseaua București — Ploiești or. 67 tec- 79 32 40 Bcureșt1 provides technical assistance for the follovlug! Mathematical models for numerical weather forecasts Design of the informational systems for the analysis and prediction of meteorological fields. Studies of atmospheric physics concerning solar ra­diation, atmospheric electricity and rudar meteo­rology. Studies of general climatology technical climatology and microclimatology. Automatic informational system design in view of computerized flood forecasting and warning. Study into forecasts or warnings of specified pheno­mena dangerous to aviation and factors associated with the operational status of the airfield. Modelling studies for stream flow simulation. Establishing of the computation methodology for ground water resources. Programming techniques for statistic processing of meteorological and hydrolgical data. Synthesis studies useful in the determination of me­teorological and hydrological parameters required in river design, planning and management of river water.
