Hungarian Review, 1973 (19. évfolyam, 1-2. szám)

1973-01-01 / 1. szám

A rapidly growing Transdanubian town MATER AND AMBER The founding of the city of Szombathely de­pended on a drink of water—at least if we are to believe some ancient chroniclers and soothsay­ers. As the legend goes: once upon a time, div­ine Claudius, Emperor of the Roman Empire, set out from his capital and arrived, exhausted, to an insignificant outpost on the eastern border of the Empire. The weary Emperor’s first re­quest was a drink—and no sooner had he been refreshed by the Savaria water than he decided to raise the rank of the small settlement to that of a city; moreover to endow all privileges of the citizens of Rome on the town which, from that day onwards—from 43 A.D.—carried the name of Colonia Claudia Savaria. building ofthe county Party Centre» Dominican church built in about 1670. The statue represents St. Martin who was allegedly born in Szombathely эгпег of the former bishop's residence d the church The eclectic, baroque building of the County Council and the modern March f5th Square with the medical and recreation centres
