Kornai János: “The Soft Budget Constraint“, Kyklos, 1986, Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 3-30.

Internationale Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaften Revue internationale des sciences sociales International Review for Social Sciences Vol. 39 - 1986 -Fase. 1 Kornai, János: The Soft Budget Constraint................................... 3 Soh, Byung Hee: Political Business Cycles in Industrialized Demo­cratic Countries ............................................................................ 31 Galeotti, Gianluigi and Breton, Albert : An Economic Theory of Political Parties............................................................................ 47 Farhadian, Ziba and Dunn, Robert M. Jr.: Fiscal Policy and Financial Deepening in a Monetarist Model of the Balance of Payments ..................................................................................... 66 Pfaller, Alfred : The Changing North-South Division of Labour . 85
