Kornai János: “Postsocialist Transition: An Overall Survey“, European Review, 1993, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 53-64. Republished in English: 1994.

EUROPEAN REVIEW Interdisciplinary Journal ol the Academia Europaea Scientific Advice Seen from the Perspective of a Minister of Science 5{c New Uses for New Phylogenies A European Canon of Literature? % Information Flow in the Nervous System The Ulysses Out-of-Ecliptic Mission Postsocialist Transition: an Overall Survey FOCUS—Migration 5{i Intercontinental Migration as a World Historical Process >{c Immigration and Integration in Germany since 1945 Migration and Decolonization >{< European Migration at the End of History The Economic Effects of Immigration VOLUME 1 NUMBER 1 EURREK 1(1)1-116(1993) JANUARY 1993 ISSN 1062-7987 WILEY
