Kornai János: “Reforming the Welfare State in Postsocialist Societies.“ World Development, Vol. 25. No. 8, pp. 1183-1186, 1997.

ISSN 0305-750X WORLD DEVELOPMENT The multi-disciplinary international journal devoted to the study and promotion of world development Volume 25 Number 8 August 1997 CONTENTS J. Kornai 1183 Editorial: Reforming the Welfare State in Postsocialist Societies H. Frisch and M. Hofnung 1243 State Formation and International Aid: The Emergence of the Palestinian Authority S. Berry 1225 Tomatoes, Land and Hearsay: Property and History in Asante in the Time of Structural Adjustment M. Smale 1257 The Green Revolution and Wheat Genetic Diversity: Some Unfounded Assumptions J. Lee 1271 The Maturation and Growth of Infant Industries: The Case of Korea (continued on outside back cover) Indexed/Abstracted in: British Humanities Index, CAB International, Current Contents, Geographical Abstracts, International Development Abstracts, Journal of Economic Literature, Management Contents, PAIS Bulletin, Sociological Abstracts, ISSN 0305-750X Social & Behavioral Sciences, Social Science Citation Index WODEDW 25 (8) 1183-1372(1997) T. Eggertsson 1187 The Old Theory of Economic Policy and the New Institutionalism A. Lind 1205 Gender, Development and Urban Social Change: Women's Community Action in Global Cities Per9amon 25th ANNIVERSARY VOLUME
