Kornai János: Tax-Awareness and the Reform of the Welfare State. By László Csontos, János Kornai and István György Tóth. Discussion Paper Series, Cambridge: Harvard Institute of Economic Research, No. 1790; and Budapest: Collegium Budapest, Institute for Advanced Study, No. 37., 1997.

TAX-AWARENESS AND THE REFORM OF THE WELFARE STATE Results of a Hungarian Survey by LÁSZLÓ CSONTOS, JÁNOS KORNAl, and ISTVÁN GYÖRGY TÓTH The authors’ affiliations: L. Csontos, Central European University, Budapest; J. Komái, Harvard University, Cambridge and Collegium Budapest, Institute for Advanced Study, Budapest; I. G. Tóth, Social Research Informatics Center, Budapest. Original publication in the Hungarian journal Századvég. Fall 1996, pp. 3-28. Discussion Paper Number 1790 January 1997
