Látóhatár, 1954 (5. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)

1954-01-01 / 1. szám

SUMMARY The January issue of the Látóhatár includes the article of István Barankovics on the basic conditions and special Hungarian relations of psychological warfare. István Baran­kovics is an eminent political writer. During the years 1945—48 he was leader of the Democratic People's Party. We bring you an extract from the new novel of Béla Just, wellknown Hungarian novelist. Béla Just is now living in Paris and his new book, ' Miserere" will appear within the next days in French and German. László Cs. Szabó, the eminent essayist, writes about drawings and prints, and' explains to us European culture. In addition we bring you poems and translations by József Reményi, famous Hungarian essayist and poet, Sándor Mezey and Alajos Kannás. Gyula Schöpflin's article describes the history of the illegal communist movement in Hungary between the two wars. Gyula Schöpílin, an ex-communist, and former minister to Sweden, is one of the best experts on internal affairs of Hungary's communist party. Pál Auer, former Hungarian minister to France, deals with the Triest question. Imre Kovács, well­­known writer and politician, examines the international situation of our days and the efforts for freedom and peace. István Komáromi writes on the problem of French- Hungarian approach after World War I. In our book review István Borsody deals with the book of Prof. István Kertész. István Bede, former Hungarian minister to Great- Britain, reviews a British-American publication on the Atlantic cooperation. Zoltán Szabó writes on the novel of Francois Gachot, Géza Cseienyey deals with Hugh Seton- Watson’s book and György Urbán reviews Prof. Károly Kerényi's new work "Apollon", recently appearing in Germany. In conclusion we publish letters written by our readers pertaining to articles appearing in the Látóhatár. SOMMAIRE Le Látóhatár présente dans son numéro de janvier: L'étude de M. István Barankovics sur les conditions de base d'une guerre psycho­­logique et particuliérement dans le cas de la Hongrie. Quelques extraits de „Miserere", roman de M. Béla Just, qui paraitra prochainement en Frangais et en Allemand. „Le montreur d’ images" sorte de diorama de la culture européenne sous forme de journal int me, par M. László Cs. Szabó. Poémes et traductions de MM. József Reményi, Alajos Kannás et Sándor Mezey. Histoire du mouvement communiste clandestin entre les deux guerres, par M. Gyula Schöpílin, ancien membre du parti. L’ actualité politique: „La question de Trieste" par M. Pál Auer. „La politique internationale" par M. Imre Kovács. „Les relations politiques Franco-Hongroises" par M. István Komáromi. L'actualité littéraire.
