INDEX RÉNYI ALFRÉDI 1 L. RÉDEI academician is 70 years old 197 P. TÚRÁN academician is 60 years old 203 Report of the Managing Board of the DEPARTMENT FOR MATHEMATICAL AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 209 Benedikli, I. : On the compactness of set arrangements 329 Dénes, J.: Mapping and mapping semigroups, II •. 303 Dobó, A.—Szajcz, S.: Mathematical investigations on the field of system identification and data detection 157 Dobó, A.—Szajcz, S. : Optimization of an failure search procedure 349 Frivaldszky, S.: Neue numerische Methode für die Berechnung der singulären Lösung von Differentialgleichungen erster Ordnung 361 Gróf, J.: Über Approximationseigenschaften der O. Szász'schen Operatoren 35 Horváth, J.: Eine Lagerung kongruenter Kugeln in eine Kugelschale 291 Kátai, /.: On number-theoretic functions 277 Makkai, M.: Algebraic operations on classes of structures and their connections with logical for­mulas (I.) 45 (II.) 221 Medgyessy, P.: On the present status of the investigations concerning incorrect problems in ma­thematic, with special regard to the solution of operator equations of the Ist kind 97 Mogyoródi, J.—Szántai, Т.: О редеющих потоках 85 Mogyoródi, J. : Об одной процедуре разрежения 407 Molnár, Е.: Одна из характеристик конформово отовражения в дифференциальной гео­метрии 399 Nagy, Р. Т.: О понятии размерности и меры Минковского 379 Németh, G.: Chebyshev polynomial expansions of Airy functions 13 Németh, Gy.: A study of some stochastic inventory models 133 Szidarovszky, F.: Об одном приблизительном методе 395 Vennes, I.: Über die Abdeckung der hyperbolischen Ebene durch asymptotische Vielecke 341 FROM THE FOREIGN LITERATURE Джрбаш.чп, M. M.—Акопян, С. А.: Классы функций и ассоциированные с ними интеграль­ные преобразования в комплексной области (transtated from Russian) 165 Gihman, I. /.—Skorohod, A. V.: On the density of probability measures interpreted on function spaces (translated from Russian) 419 List of Publications of the Ordinary and Correspondent Members of the DEPARTMENT FOR MATHEMATICAL AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES for the year 1969 491 BOOK REVIEWS Rédei, L.: Algebra I. Akadémiai Kiadó. Budapest 1967. (by Csákány, В. and Peák, L.) 495
