Acta Biologica 19. (1968)

1. szám

ACTA ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARUM HUNGARICAE ADIUVANTIBUS G. CSABA, В. FLERKÓ, B. GYÓRFFY, S. KROMPECHER, J. SALÂNKI REDIGIT I. TÖRŐ TOMUS XIX FASCICULUS I AKADÉMIAI KIADÓ, BUDAPEST 1968 INDEX Pécsi, T.: Contributions to the innervation of the heart in the fresh-water mussel, Anodonta cygnea L...................... 1 Erdélyi, L.: Examination of barium—calcium antagonism in hearts and smooth-muscle organs of the edible snail (Helix pomatia L.)......................................................................... 11 KovAcs, J.: Focal cytoplasmic degradation and lysosome formation in the epithelial cells of the seminal vesicle of the mouse..................................................................................... 23 Csaba, G. — Kiss, J. —Bodoky, M.: Uptake of radioactive iodine by the thyroid after pinealectomy....................... 35 DÉzsi, L.—Farkas, G. L.: Effect of kinetin on the level of reducing sugars in barley leaves............................................ 43 Kabarity, A.: Ethyl alcohol and mutation in the meiosis of Triticum vulgare var. Giza ............................................... 49 CsukAs-Szatlóczky, I.—Duda, Б.—Parâdi, Б,—Faludi, В.: Fluctuation of radiosensitivity during the ontogen­esis of Drosophila melanogaster larvae ................................ 57 Oláh, É. H. —Hadházy, Cs.—AndrAssy, K.O.: Studies on car­tilage formation. XI. Phosphoglucomutase and glucose- 6-phosphatase activities of articular surface in various stages of regeneration .................................................................. 65 VerzAr-Petri, G.—VAradi, J.—Szarvas, T.: Incorporation of 2-14C tryptophan into the free amino acid spectrum of Vinca minor L............................................................................. 75 Wenger, T.—Törk, I.: Studies on the organon vasculosum laminae terminális. II. Comparative morphology of the organon vasculosum laminae terminális of fishes, amphi­bia, reptilia, birds and mammals .......................................... 83 OlAh, I.—Dunay, Cs. — Röhlich, P.—Törő, I.: A special type of cells in the medulla of the rat thymus............. 97 Recensiones ..................................................................................................... 115
