Acta Botanica 35. (1989)

1989 / 1-4. szám - BORHIDI ATTILA: Studies on Rondeletieae (Rubiaceae) XI. Critical notes on some Central American species of Rondeletia s. l.

STUDIES IN RONDELETIEAE, XI. 311 achnothryx rubens (L.D. Wms.) Borhidi comb, nova, Basionym: Rondeletia rubens L.O. Wms. in Phytologia 26(2): 128. 1973. achnothryx silvicola (L.O. Wms.) Borhidi comb, nova. Basionym: Rondeletia silvicola L.O. Wms. in Phytologia 28(2): 128. 1973. achnothryx tuxtlensis (Lorence et Castillocampus) Borhidi comb, nova. Basionym: Rondeletia tuxtlensis Lorence et Castillo-Campos in Biotica 13: 148. 1988. achnothryx urophylla (L.O. Wms.) Borhidi comb, nova. Basionym: Rondeletia urophylla L.O. Wms. in Phytologia 28(2): 129. 1973. ’achnothryx uxpanapensis (Lorence et Castillo-Campos) Borhidi comb, nova - Mexico. Basionym: Rondeletia uxpanapensis Lorence et Castillo-Campos Biotica 13: 150. 198B. rachnothryx wendtii (Lorence et Castillo-Campos) Borhidi comb, nova - Mexico. Basionym: Rondeletia wendtii Lorence et Castillo-Campos in Biotica 13: 154. 198B. rachnothryx yucatanensis (Lundell) Borhidi comb, nova. Basionym: Rondeletia yucatanensis Lundell in Wrightia 5(8): 329. 1976. ’ogiera seleriana (Loesener) Borhidi comb, nova. Basionym: Rondeletia seleriana Loes. in Verh. Bot. Verein. Brandbg. 65: 105. 1913. logiera subscandens (Lundell) Borhidi comb, nova - Mexico. Basionym: Rondeletia subscandens Lundell in Wrightia 5(8): 328. 1976. Acknowledgements The author expresses his thanks to the director of the Missouri Botanical Garden, Dr. Peter RAVEN, and to Dr. A. SOLOMON, the keeper of the Herbarium for the support of this work.
