Acta Ethnographica 37. (1991-1992)

1991-92 / 1-4. szám

Lectori salütem, (Greetings to the Readers) with this old Latin greeting formula allow us to salute all the readers of the Acta Ethnographica Hungarica. The special motivation for this editorial introduction is that from this volume the periodical is edited by a new editorial board. So it’s fitting and proper to salute our readers on this occasion. The changes in the editorial board - as you can see - are bringing certain formal transformation as well. We are trying to make the exterior of the periodical a bit more colourful. Without changing the traditional name (Acta Ethnographica) we want to lay stress on the Hungarian charac­ter. So the correct name of the periodical as from this volume is Acta Ethnographica Hungarica. It is indicated on the inside cover only that it is a journal of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. With this small change in the name we want to emphasize in relation to the contents that the Acta Ethnographica Hungarica will be devoted first of all to Hungarian research in ethnology, in cultural anthropology and of work in this field in the Carpathian Basin. Besides the results of Hun­garian scholars we want to publish essays of other colleagues in the region, bringing them to the international mainstream of research. Parallel with this intention we would like to keep the journal for all colleagues abroad, for our old and new Authors. We therefore look forward to re­ceiving your essays in ethnology and cultural anthropology in the future as well. We also hope to publish the material of international conferences, as we do in this volume. In the next volumes - with the contribution of guest editors - we plan to bring out conferencepapers of international importance, such as essays on the ethno-psychologist Géza Róheim and on György Martin, one of the most famous folk dance researcher in Europe. It is our hope that in this way the new results of investigations will become known more quickly in this way. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest
