Acta Zoologica 37. (1991)

1991 / 1-2. szám

ACTA ZOOLOGICA HUNGARICA A QUARTERLY OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Acta Zoologica is published in yearly volumes of four issues by AKADÉMIAI KIADÓ Publishing House of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences H-1117 Budapest, Prielle K. u. 19 — 35 Subscription information Orders should be addressed to KULTURA Foreign Trading Company H-1389 Budapest, P.O. Box 149 or to its representatives abroad “This periodical is included in the document delivery program THE GENUINE ARTICLE of the Institute of Scientific Information, Philadelphia. The articles published in the periodical are available through The Genuine Article at the Institute for Scientific Information, 3501 Mar­ket Street, Philadelphia PA 19104.” Acta Zoologica Hungarica is abstracted/indexed in AGRICOLA, Biological Abstracts, Biblio­graphy of Agriculture, Chemical Abstracts, Current Contents — Agriculture, Biology and Envi­ronmental Sciences, Excerpta Medica, Horticultural Abstracts, Hydre — Index, Plant Breeding Abstracts, Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews. © Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest PRINTED IN HUNGARY Akadémiai Kiadó és Nyomda Vállalat, Budapest
