Acta Zoologica 40. (1994)

1994 / 1. szám

ACTA ZOOLOGICA ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARUM HUNGARICAE AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANIMAL TAXONOMY AND ECOLOGY Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae will be published quarterly from February 1994 (other issues in May, August and November) by the Hunga­rian Natural History Museum with the financial support of the Hungarian Acade­my of Sciences. Editor-in-Chief L. Papp Assistant Editor L. Peregovits Editorial Adviser (A list completed with the members outside of Hungary will be published in our 40 (2) issue) SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Orders should be addressed to Editorial Office of the Acta Zoologica Hungarian Natural History Museum H-1088 Budapest, Baross u. 13, Hungary G. Bakonyi (Gödöllő) A. Demeter (Budapest) L. Gallé (Szeged) J. Majer (Pécs) S. Mahunka (Budapest) I. Matskási (publisher) F. Mészáros (Budapest) Cs. Moskát (Budapest) Z. Varga (Debrecen)
