Operációs rendszerek elmélete V. visegrádi téli iskola (SZTAKI Tanulmányok 100/1979)

A. Wolisz, J. Izydorczyk: Oueueing systems with waiting time dependent service times

OUEUEING SYSTEMá WITH WAITING TIME DEPENDENT SERVICE TIMES /Analysis and optimization/ A.Wolisz,J.Izydorczyk 1. Introduction Recently an increasing interest can be observed in system performance evaluation,equally for computer systems,production systems,transportation systems etc.Among tools utilized in sy­stem performance evaluation^the queueing theory approach can be pointed out as one of the moBt powerful and therefore this area of science is being extensively developed. A lot of new queueing models reflecting special features of investigated real - life systems have been studied.For example investigations in the area of computer systems performance evaluation gave reason for a rapid developement of priority queueing models and time-sharing models.This application, as well as industrial engineering and computer networks^ stimulated also a big affort in the area of multi - stage queueing systems and networks of queues. Among the relatively new,nonclassic service systems one can distinguish an interesting group of queueing models, with service time of every customer being dependent on waiting time spent in the queue by this very customer.Such an phenomenon occurs in numerous real-life situations.
