Materiale Plastice, 1976 (Anul 13, nr. 1-3)

1976-01-01 / nr. 1

DANUBIANA SPECIALIZED FOREIGN TRADE ENTERPRISE 202 A, Spl. Independentei, Telephone: 49S060 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------­Telex: 11489, 11748, 11842 DANAZ —R F O B. : 3250, Cables: DANAZ —R BUCHAREST ★ ROMANIj Exports: Tyres and tubes for passenger cars, agricultural machines, tractors and lorries: technical rubber articles, articles processed from plastics, P.V.C. granules, etc. Synthetic fibres and yarns (polyacrylic, poly­­amidic, polyesteric, polypropylenic), caprolactam, adipic acid. Chemical fertilizers (ammonium nitrate, urea, limestone, complex fertilizers), solvents (methanol, butanol), polyvinyl acetate, aniline oil, trisodiur^ phosphate, sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium hexametaphosphate, catalysts for the ammonia industry, etc.
