I. Nemzetközi Kőszobrász Szimpozion (Püspökladány, 1993)

SAL U T A T O R Y A catalogue is a kind of introduction. The $rtist introduces oneself, the harvest of his work during his life or of a period, and shows what he can restore from his dreams, desires, fears, loves, fury, passions and visions with the help of his talent, industry and possibilities. But this catalogue wants to give information about the environment where the exhibited works of art were formed as well. This place is Püspökladány, the lowland smalltown, where the art-supporting public, the local authority and the entrepreneurs helped Győrfi Lajos, the sculptor living here, to realize his old dream about the implementation of a camp of artists. If this enthusiasm creates a tradition, our national culture would be richer with an open - air park of statues and a collection of contemporary small sculptures. But will this catalogue introduce the colony of sculptors, and will the works present their place and conditions of birth? Can they bring out the creative atmosphere, rich in experience and emotion,which was the result of the collective work, camping and the living together? Freeing from the isolation of the studio, the pressing weight of war memorials and the sitter -empathy of portraits, forgetting the everyday worries about comissions, procurement and theme - searching, they can give a free range to their fantasy and dream about dragons, bosoms or thighs. They can try longknown technics, new machines, acquire well - proved methods, change experience, get to know eachother s experiences, life and confession of artistic faith... Sculptors and stone-carvers live here together, helping each other, complementing each other, improving each other like a composer and a pianist. A work of art is always a display of the essential character of an artist. But the impulses coming from the atmosphere and the emotional and the formal richness of impressions are playing a decisive role in its creation. I firmly believe that this catalogue is a good début not only for the artists and their works but also for the inspiring scene, the first symposium of stone sculpture in Püspökladány. I wish every success to the artists, the organisers and the sponsors alike. Püspökladány, August 1993 Dr. Farkas Dezső Major of Püspökladány
