Kalmár János Lélekhelyzetek, kiállítás (Tihanyi Bencés Apátság, 2006)

ÜLŐ FIÚ- SITTING BOY- 2005 BRONZ • BRONZE■ 82x13x8 CM HURTING SPACE About János Kalmár's new sculptures Door, window, house, figure. Standing, sitting, leaning, lying. Man and woman. Ideas of them. Verticals, horizontals, spatial diagonals. Conflict - laden dialogue between plane and space. Questioning of the traditional sculpture-object. Dethronement of mass, disclaimers of space in planes. A drive to move, exigence of changing viewpoints, circumambulate. The sculptor, - or maker of non - traditional sculptural objects - says: "I didn't want to fill out space with the mass of a sculpture but to arrange it, to speak about it. I wanted to stop time. I simply omitted a few views of the sculpture, and tried to condense the remaining forms into symbols, associative systems." That may as well be the starting point for the viewing of Kalmár's works made after the turn of the millennium. The formal reduction of bronze shapes and linear constructions, the minimalization of the body does not bring us towards some neutral zero point of the body mass but - halfway toward nothingness, toward the void - it stretches or unfolds the things: a so - far unseen, earlier unperceived character or essence of the figure becomes uncovered, its singularity captured. Instead of the body, the geometrically de­termined plane - itself an illusory body - and the meeting, jointing, transition and subtle intersection of planes become the constituents of the work, or the work itself. Quite unnoticed, the closures of the planes become hard outlines, standing in their medium like blade edges: that is the hurting of space with sharp planes.
