Orvosi Hetilap, 2004. január (145. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)

2004-01-04 / 1. szám

% á AXOTERE' docetaxel AXOTERE docetaxel a nem kissejtes tüdőrák | | > * | 2, 3J kezeleseben Aventis Aventis Pharma Kft. 1036 Budapest, Lajos u. 48-66. Tel.: (1) 454 5 400 • Fax: (1) 4545 401 E-mail: hungary@aventis.com Web: www.aventis.hu 1. Shepherd, F.A. et al.: Prospective randomised trial of Docetaxel versus best supportive care in patients with Non-Small-Cell-Lung Cancer previously treated with Platinum-based chemotherapy (TAX317)JCO Vol. 18 No 10,2000: pp 2095-2103. 2. Fossella, F.V.: Randomised Phase III trial of Docetaxel versus Vinorelbine or Iphosphamide in patients with advanced Non-Small-Cell-Lung Cancer previously treated with Platinum-containing chemotherapy regimens. (TAX 320) JCOVol. 18 No 12,2000: pp 2354-2362. 3. Rodriguez, J.: A multicentre, phase III study of Docetaxel + Cisplatin (DC) and Docetaxel + Carboplatin (DCB) vs. Vinorelbine + Cisplatin (VC) in chemotherapy-naive patients with advanced and metastatic Non-Small-Cell-Lung Cancer. (TAX 326) Proc. Am.Soc. Clin.Oncol. Vol. 20,2001 Abstr. 1252.
