Revista de Etnografie şi Folclor, 1965 (Anul 10, nr. 1-6)

1965 / nr. 1

REVIEW OF ETHNOGRAPHY AND FOLKLORE Tome 10 1965 No 1 CONTENTS Page M. POP, National Traits and Historical Stratifications in the Folk-Tale Style...................................................................................... 3 G. HABENICHT, Contributions to the Study of a Folk Song dedi­cated to the 23rd of August..................................................... 13 L. MUREȘANU, The Rumanian Workers of Reșița and their Cultural and Artistic Movement at the End of the 19th and Beginning of the 20й» Centuries ......................................... 29 E. MOLDOVEANU-NESTOR, The Garland, a Harvest Fes­tival (II) ...................................................................................... 43 I. VLĂDUȚIU, Herding in Southern Moldavia : some Ethnogra­phical Aspects .............................................................................. 81 A. BUCȘAN, Some Problems of the kinetic System in the Rumanian Folk Dance................................................................. 89 R. VULCÄNESCU, Ethnography at the Moscow International Con­gress . ......................... 93 M. POP, Two International Folklore Congresses............................. 101 G. SULIȚEANU, Proceedings of the Folk Music Section of the VH41» International Congress of Anthropology and Ethonology held in Moscow, August 1964 106 V. ADĂSCĂLIȚEI, Giovanni B. Bronzini, Principali generi e forme della poesia popolare italiana..................................................... 107 AL. PIRU, I. C. Chițimia and D. Simonescu, Folk fiction in the Rumanian literature...................................................................... 109 G. MORARU-POPA, The 1959 — 1961 Year Book of the Ethogra­phic Museum of Transylvania................................................. 113
