42. kötet / 1-4. sz. - M. KELEMEN: Roman Amphorae in Pannonia III.

148 M. KELEMEN" Similar amphorae have been found in Britannia, Gallia, Germania, Raetia and Pannónia, beside Italy. In Britannia most of the finds - 153 pieces — лее re found in Colchester, are known as type Camulodonum 189 and are dated to the Claudian-Nero period by Hawkes-Hull.4 There are several pieces from London, too. M. Weheler has published two specimens from the Claudian-Vespasian period.5 F. Lambert described a fragmentary piece dated to A.D. 50 — 100.6 Wheeler also mentions a fragment from Caerlon7 which cannot he dated earlier than A.T). 75. Concerning the small amphora (30,5 cm) found in London-Southwark,8 Cuming suggests that it must have contained fine sand. Another piece dated to A.D. 50 — 70 was found in the debris of the Richborough camp.8 There is only one undated piece known from Arras, Gallia,10 although it seems to be a common amphora type in the limes camps and also in the civilian settlements of Germania. Albrecht describes the form as type 85, in his description of the early Augustan camp of Oberaden,11 but W. Reuseh questions whether the Oberaden pieces could belong to this type considering the above mentioned handle pieces.12 The complete piece from the Wiesbaden camp13 and the fragments known as type Hof­heim 75.14 are placed in the Claudian-Nero period. The amphora from Saalburg is somewhat younger,15 belonging to the finds of the plank-camp between 90 and 136 A.D. Three amphora fragments found in the area of the northern wing of the Imperial baths in Trier16 can be dated on the basis of pottery finds from the time between the Claudian period and the beginning of the 2nd century to the 2nd century. The use of the amphora at the beginning of the 2nd century is attested by further finds, mostly from graves. The fragments of two amphoras were unearthed in an especially rich cremation grave in Marpingen (Saarland)17 where the grave-goods were dated to the 1st and first third of the 2nd century. An intact amphora was found among the finds of another cremation grave during the excavation of the tumulus in Horath.18 The grave-goods, including a Hispanic oil amphora of type Dr. 20, and amphorae of type Relichét 47., which dated to the period between the end of the 1st century and the first quarter of the 2nd century. An amphora find from Flerzheim,19 dated to the beginning of the 2nd century probably was part of a cremation burial as well. The fragment of an amphora described as type Hofheim 75. was uncovered among the finds from a well in Köln.20 From Raetia, the best known piece is that from Vindonissa. Similar 4 HAWKES-HULL 1947, 253, Taf. 72., 189.; BELT­RAN-LLORIS 1970, 538, Fig. 219, 2.; KEUSCH 1970, 56., Abb. 2. 4. 5 M. WHEELER: London in Roman Times. London Mus. Cat. 3., 1930, 141., Fig. 54. 1 -2.; REUSCII 1970, 56, Abb. 2. 2, 9. 6 F. LAMBERT: Recent Roman Discoveries in London, Archaeologia 66, 1915, 247, Abb. 14., 15.; REUSCH 1970, 56, Abb. 2, 5. 7 WHEELER op. cit.; REUSCH 1970, 56. 8 H. S. CUMING: On some gladiatorial relies, Journal of the British Archaeological Assoc. 24, 1868, 309, Tabl. 19.; REUSCH 1970, 56, 58, Abb. 2, 7. 9 J. B. BUSHE —Fox: Third Report on the Excava­tions of the Roman Fort at Richborough, Kent. Report of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of London 10, 1932, 167, Nr. 196, Tab. 32, 196.; BELTRAN-LLORIS 1970, 538, 540., Fig. 219, 4.; REUSCH 1970, 58, Abb. 1,3. 10 A. TERNINCK: L'Artois souterrain, Etudes Archéologiques 4, 1878 -1881, Pl. 24, 1. 281.; KEUSCH 1970, 458, Abb. 2,8. Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 42, 1990 11 ALBRECHT 1942, 106, Abb. 24,12. 12 REUSCH 1970, 54, 56. 13 E. RITTERLING: Kastell Wiesbaden, ORL Nr. 31. (1909) 119, Taf. XLV, 33.; REUSCH 1970, 54, Abb. 1,2.; BELTRAN-LLORIS 1970, 538, note 1246. 14 RITTERLING 1913, 302, Abb. 72.; BELTRAN-LLORIS 1970, 538, note 1246.; REUSCH 1970, 54.; SCHALLMAYER 1983, 304, Abb. 18, 2. 15 SAALBURG JAHRBUCH 3 (1912/1914) 21, Abb. 12.; REUSCH 1970, 54, 56, Abb. 1,6. 16 REUSCH 1970, 60, Abb. 1,1. 17 A. KOLBING; Die römischen Brandgräber von Marpingen, Krs. St. Wendel, Bericht dor Staatlichen Denkmalpflege in Saarland 14 (1967), 47, 57, 69, Abi). 15, 11, 19.; KEUSCH 1970, 59, Abb. 2,6. 18 L. KILIAN — H. CÜPPERS: Der römerzeitliche Grabhügel Tönnehen bei Horath, Triere Zeitschrift 32, 1969, 194, Abb. 15, 21.; KEUSCH 1970, 59- 60, Abb. 2 3. 19B.T 149, (1949) 341, Abb. 9, 4b.; REUSCH 1970, KJG 6. (1962/63) 170; KEUSCH 1970, 70. 60.
