1993 / 1-4. sz.

CONTENTS Kiefer, F.: Preface 3 Atkins, В.T.S.: Tools for computer-aided corpus lexicography: the Hector Project 5 Bläsi, Cli.-Koch, H.-D.: Dictionary entry parsing based upon methodical segmentation as a prerequisite for a projected meta-lexicographic workbench 73 Bresson, D.: Analyse des composes nominaux de l'allemand sur la base des propriétés semantico-syntaxiques de leurs constituants 95 Fontenelle, Th.: Using a bilingual computerized dictionary to retrieve support verbs and combinatorial information 109 Grewe, A'.: Une analyse sémantique et syntaxique des phrases à verbes supports de l'allemand et du français 123 Heid, U.-Heyn, M.-Christ, О.: Extracting linguistic information from machine-readable versions of traditional dictionaries: a metalexicographic method and some tools 137 Kruyt, J.G.-van der Voort van der Kleij, J. J.: Towards a computerized historical dictionary of Dutch 159 Laporte, E.: Phonetic syllables in French: combinatorics, structure and formal definitions 175 Marinai, E.-Peters, C.-Picchi, E.: A project for bilingual reference corpora 191 Martin, W.\ Complex revisited: remarks on some basic issues in com­putational lexicography/lexicology 205 Monachini, M.-Picchi, E.: Computational lexicography: a cpiery system for text corpora 225 Pirrelli, V .-Fedcrici. S.: An analogical way to language modelling: MORPHEUS ' 235 Roventini, A.: Acquiring and representing semantic information from place taxonomies 265 Salmincn, A.-Tompa, FAV.: PAT expressions: an algebra for text search 277 MAGYAR TUDOMÁNYOS AKADÉMIA KÖNYVTARA
