Bányászati és Kohászati Lapok - Kohászat, 2017 (150. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)

2017 / 1. szám

A kiadvány a FÉMALK Zrt. támogatásával jelenik meg TARTALOM Щ FROM THE CONTENT Vaskohászat Móger Róbert - Felföldiné Kovács Ágnes - Cseh Ferenc - Titz Imre: A lég­­hevítők fűtése oxigénnel dúsított égésle­vegő segítségével Horváth Ákos - Illés Péter: A melegen hengerelt szélesszalag szelvény alakjának hatása a melegen és hidegen hengerelt késztermékek alaki tulajdonságaira KE MVAE-hírek Öntészet H Laub Ádám Miklós: Tradíció és innová­ció. Hol is tartunk 35 év után? ke Portörő Balázs: A 21. század kihívásai a FÉMALK Zrt. szemszögéből Fémkohászat KE Kékesi Tamás - Kulcsár Tibor: Ötvözött alumíniumhulladékok olvasztása során keletkező salakok jellemzői Ж? Szűcs Máté - Krállics György - Benke Márton: Többszintű modellezés alkalma­zása a szimmetrikus és az aszimmetrikus hengerlési folyamatok vizsgálatára KE Üzemavató Inotán Anyagtudomány Godzsák Melinda - Lévai Gábor - Kap­­tay György: A színező tűzihorganyzás szakirodaimának áttekintése KE Bortnyik Kornél - Nyekse László - Bar­­kóczy Péter: Csoportosulások vizsgálata eutektikus szövetszerkezetekben Felsőoktatás KS Interjú Réger Mihállyal K2 A Miskolci Egyetem hírei Hírmondó KE Szent Borbála-napi országos központi ünnepség Török Tamás: Nyersanyagforrások hasz­nosítása a kelet-közép és délkelet-európai országokban 30 éve összetart a Fémkohászati Szótár­szerkesztő Bizottság »V Az Öntészettörténeti és múzeumi szak­csoport 2016. évi beszámolója KE Emlékeztető az OMBKE 2016. október 6-i választmányi üléséről Kit Dr. Verő Balázs kitüntetése Kli Könyvismertetés КЗ A Tiszántúliak Társasága Szakmai Napja КЗ XVII. Fémkohász Szakmai Nap és 75 éves születésnap az Arconic-Köfémnél ÉMI Vaskutasok találkozója régi intézetükben MiU Szent Borbála Szakestély Dunaújvárosban KI Köszöntések KE Nekrológok Móger R. - Felföldiné Kovács Á. - Cseh F. - Titz I.: Hot Stoves heat with oxygen enriched combustion air.....................................................1 Blast furnaces gas and some high calorific gas (i.e. natural gas, coke oven gas) is combusted in the hot stoves. In order to be reduced the energy cost at hot stoves novel proposal has been submitted. Only blast furnace gas could be combusted in hot stoves with oxygen enriched combustion air. The effect for the suggested proposal is detailed in the paper below. Horváth Á. - Illés P: Effect of Hot Rolled Strip Profile on the Shape of Hot- and Cold Rolled Products ............................................................5 Why the hot rolled strip profile is important? The article would like to answer this question. The profile and the thickness variation of hot rolled strip are significant for next processing, determine the possibility of hot rolled strip levelling or flat cold rolled strip producing, determine the shape of strip, the inner stresses of sheets, causes the coilbreak. Laub Á. M.: Tradition and innovation - Where are we after 35 years?......................................15 The main theme of this presentation is introducing the new technologies of rapid prototyping, which complete the conventional lost wax process for production of high value alloy steel products at Magyarmet Kft. It introduces the process, starting with the 3D model up to the printed sample, expounds the properties and functions of the used programs and machines. It introduces a unique quick-drying machine used for the ceramic shelling process, and the laser welding equipment. It mentions some products from different industries and applications, made with the rapid process. Portörő В.: Challenges of the 21st century, from the perspective of the company FÉMALK.....18 In the past fifteen years, our aluminium automotive part manufacturing and developing company, together with their customers developed and optimized castings. This kind of relationship, especially on field of engineering, becomes deeper by the time worked together, and changes according to the new challenges. This article provides an insight into FÉMALK’s research and development activities, which become quite various and now covers wide range of engineering disciplines. Out of them the following two areas were chosen to be presented in this article: Vibroacustics and Topology optimization. Kékesi T. - Kulcsár T.: Characteristics of drosses formed during the melting of alloyed aluminium scrap ..............................................23 We have examined the physico-chemical processes determining the properties of the dross formed during the melting of aluminium alloys. To determine the metal content, a complex method have been developed, including a thermo­mechanical first step. This may allow most of the metal content to be extracted in a bulk form. After the granulation of the hot residue in water, a further significant portion of the contained metal can be recovered by grinding and physical classification in a granular form. The hidden metal content of the fine residual powder could be determined by measuring the volume of the hydrogen gas evolved from the reaction of metallic aluminium with a sodium hydroxide solution. The metal content of drosses obtained from the melting of different aluminium alloys of various origin could reach 85%. The quantity and the metal content of the dross strongly depended on the Mg content of the alloy. Szűcs M. - Krállics Gy. - Benke M.: Application of two-level modelling for the analysis of symmetrical and asymmetrical rolling .........30 Two-level modelling method was established to investigate the symmetrical- and asymmetrical flat rolling. The first level of modelling process is the finite element model (FE) of flat rolling and its applications for the varied boundary conditions of symmetrical and asymmetrical rolling. The results of FE simulations was linked to viscoplastic-plastic self-consistent model (VPSC) used for texture simulation of experimental, symmetrically and asymmetrically rolled EN AW 5754 aluminium alloy strip which means the second level of modelling. It allows to analyse the effects of different rolling methods on the microstructural properties of rolled sheet. The simulated results of FE model were integrated into texture simulation process to obtain the pole figures for symmetrically and asym­metrically rolled sheets and they were compared with the pole figures measured by x-ray diffraction. Godzsák M. - Lévai G. - Kaptay Gy.: Overview of the literature of coloring hot dip galvanizing in zinc bath alloyed with manganese.............36 The hot dip galvanizing is one of the most important and the most effective methods of the corrosion protection of iron and steel products. However it can be mentioned among other disadvantageous properties the monotonous grey color of the final product, that makes the technology and its result less popular in many cases. On the other hand in the focus of the interesting of researchers is constantly the solution, how to reach with less environmental pollution the colored hot dip galvanized coating by one technological step.Akind of solution could be the coloring hot dip galvanization developed in the 1960s, during this process the hot dip galvanizing bath is alloyed by elements (first of all by titanium and manganese), which can form after the hot dip galvanizing a ten­­some hundred nm thick colored oxide film on the surface of the coating. This procedure is still researched, but it is not applied in industry yet. Besides that the coloring hot-dip galvanized surfaces are corrosion resistant, would serve their purpose mostly as decorative function, for example as inside or outside architectural components. The purpose of my present research is to study the literature of the coloring hot dip galvanizing, that can be form the basis for a comprehensive theoretical analysis in the Fe / Zn-Mn / air system, and also for a detailed experimental schedule. Bortnyik K. - Nyekse L. - Barkóczy R: Exami­nation of clustering in eutectic microstructures ...............................................................................42 The eutectic microstructures are complex microstructures and a hard work to describe it with few numbers. The eutectics builds up eutectic cells. In the cells the phases are clustered. With the development of big databases the data mining also develops, and produces a lot of method to handling the large datasets, and earns information from the sets. One typical method is the clustering, which finds the groups in the datasets. In this article a partitioning and a hierarchical clustering is applied to eutectic structures to find the clusters. In the case of AIMn alloy the К-means algorithm work well, and find the eutectic cells. In the case of ductile cast iron the hierarchical clustering works better. With the combination of the partitioning and hierarchical clustering with the image transformation, an effective method is developed for clustering the objects in the microstructures. Ш К Öntészet rovatunkat az 1950-ben indí­tott és 1991 -ben megszűnt önálló szak­lap, a BKL Öntöde utódjának tekintjük. • • Szerkesztőség: 1051 Budapest, Október 6. utca 7., III. em. • Telefon: 06-1-201-7337 • • E-mail: bkl.kohaszat@gmail.com • • Felelős szerkesztő: Balázs Tamás • • A szerkesztőség tagjai: dr. Buzáné dr. Dénes Margit, dr. Harcsik Béla, dr. Klug Ottó, dr. Kórodi István, Lengyelné Kiss Katalin, Schudich Anna, Szende György, dr. Tardy Pál, dr. Török Tamás • • Kiadó: Országos Magyar Bányászati és Kohászati Egyesület • Felelős kiadó: dr. Nagy Lajos • • Nyomja: Press+Print Kft. 2340 Kiskunlacháza, Gábor Áron u. 2/a • HU ISSN 0005-5670 • Belső tájékoztatásra, kereskedelmi forgalomba nem kerül. • A közölt cikkek fordítása, utánnyomása, sokszorosítása és adatrendszerekben való tárolása kizárólag a kiadó engedélyével történhet. • Interneteim: www.ombkenet.hu/bkl/kohaszat.html
