Isépy István - Szigeti Zoltán (szerk.): Botanikai Közlemények, 89. kötet (2002)

2002 / 1-2. sz. - KISS KEVE TIHAMÉR - SCHMIDT ANTAL: In memoriam Prof. Dr. Uherkovich Gábor (1912-2002)

18 Kiss K. T. és Schmidt A. IN MEMORIAM PROF. DR. UHERKOVICH GÁBOR (1912-2002) K. T. Kiss1 and A. Schmidt2 ‘Hungarian Danube Researh Station of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Göd, Jávorka S. u. 14, H—2131, Hungary 2Environmental Protection Authority, Southern Danube Region, Baja, P.O.B. 113, H -6501, Hungary Accepted: 10 Januay 2003 Gábor Uherkovich professor emeritus, the world-wide known Hungarian algologist and hydrobiologist died on the 7lh March, 2oo2 in the 9o. year of his life. He was born at Dobsina (recently in Slovakia) 20 October 1912. He studied at University of Szeged, in the famous school of protistology and algology (GELEl-school, GYöRFFY-school) and for a semester Charles University at Prag in the Pascher institute. His first job was at the Szeged University in the Biological Department (1937-38), than he teached for 9 years at the Hungarian State Teacher’s Training School in Budapest. He moved to Pécs in 1947, where he was the founder and the professor of Biological Department and Botanical Garden of Teacher’s Training College. Under false political pretendence he was removed from the college after the 1956 revolution. He worked as senior scientist of the Tisza Research Station (a reserach group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences) at the Szeged University. Than a short two years stay in Damjanich Museum at Szolnok and back to Pécs, where he has a small hydrobiological Laboratory in his flat belonging to the Medical University of Pécs. He studied the algal flora of different waters until the end of ninties. He was probably the last member of his generation, wich represented the golden age of the classical algology. He investigated field samples with light microscop, studied all groups of planktonic and benthic algae of fresh waters and illustrated his papers always wih his owen beautiful drawings. The main activities of his scientific work was: Scenedesmus taxonomy, potamophytoplankton, small waterbodies of protected areas and the Rhodophyta species of fresh waters. He published 3 books and more than 180 scientiphic papers. We summerised here all the new taxa he desribed from Hungarian, Scandinavian, South-American and African freshwaters. Függelék 1. - Appendix 1 Uherkovich Gábor által leírt taxonok (a zárójelben lévő évszámok adott cikkekre utalnak - lásd Függelék 2.) List of species described by G. Uherkovich (numbers in brackets refer to the paper [see Appendix 2] in which the given taxon was described) Xanthophyceae Goniochloris cornuta Rai et Uherk. (Uherkovich & Rai 1977) G. pentagona Rai et Uherk. (Uherkovich & Rai 1977) Bacillariophyceae Gomphonema intricatum Kütz. var. vibrio (Ehrenb.) Cleve f. maximum Uherk. (Uherkovich 1984c) Rhizosolenia eriensis H. L. Smith var. bouakensis Rai et Uherk. (Uherkovich & Rai 1977) R. eriensis var. morsa W. et G. S. West f. minima Rai et Uherk. (Uherkovich & Rai 1977) Rhopalodia gibba (Ehr.) O. Müll. var. genuina f. balatonica Uherk. (Uherkovich 1984c) Surilella peisonis Pant. var. pyriformis f. minima Uherk. (Uherkovich 1965a) Euglenophyta Euglena spirogyra Ehrbg. var. magnifica Uherk. (Uherkovich 1974c) Phacus bifurcatus Uherk.( Uherkovich 1987a) P. myersi Skv. var. myersi f. maior Uherk. (Uherkovich 1974c) P. myersi Skv. var. myersi f. minor Uherk. (Uherkovich 1974c) P. orbicularis Hübner var. amplus Uherk. (Uherkovich 1976b) Strombomonas deflandrei (Roll) Defl. var. szolnokiensis Uherk. (Uherkovich 1962d)
