Hungarista Mozgalom - Ausztráliai Szórványok Tájékoztató Szolgálata, 1966 (6. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1966-01-01 / 1. szám

HU N GARIST MOVEMENT WORLD ASSOCIATION OF MT I—COMMUN IST HUNGARIANS Informátion-Bulletin. f r .• .-4- *• r Issued by,B.Kántor P.O.Box 125.Merredin.W.A,Australia.' No.l. ;1st January, Tol.71,’ 1966. JUSTICE FOR HUNGARY. REMEMBER AT VERSAILLES (TRIANON) GENL^ We oome to the 2nd World War. »• Remember at Versailles Genl.Smuts at first refused to sign the Versailles Peace Treaty holding that the treaty was so unjust to Germany’that Germany would he compelled to go to war again in which case, Smuts held, he would not he able to accuse her of wan­ton aggression. It was Smuts who held that the,only hope for Euro­pe was an alliance between England and Germany. At the same time Albert APPONYI the Hungarian delegate; bac­ked bv American delegate stated that cuting up Hungary as the Tre­aty planed would help the communism to spread and will ruin Hungary as more then 2/3 of the country was took from the Mother land. The'conference of hate and revenge, of an ey^ for an eye, and worse, took place under direction of the World Financiers - my reader should know who they are. Lloyd George desoribes them in his memoirs as "dominating the Conference in their imperious way" They were oonscious of their success,first in the Russo-Jap war 1904^financed by them'to weaken Russia for the next move, and second, in Russia in 1917, when the same millionaires financed the Red Revolution. Now the only serious obstacle in their world-oommuniuing plan and plot is Germany. Germany is to-day still Christendom's only hope. Poor U.S.A. is too Jew-sodden to fight Christ's battle! At Versailles they criminally libelled, ruined and robbed and so multilated the heart of Europe^ Germany, as Smuts and Car­lyle considered Germany, beyond description. Not a thousand pens can describe the hell Germany was forced into-according to plan. But the most dangerous factor now facing Germany was the advancing commonism. In Hungary, Jew Bela Kun, ruled like a mo­dern Nero and butchered, raped and tortured the Christian popu­lace for nearly a yeár. Communism was advancing or better just spreading in Germany,'because, more or less, the Jew was a Tro­jan horse for Marxism, like fever-bearing mosquitoes. As they s­­till are today. But at the hour of crisis Adolf Hitler came on the scene­­provident ially. Hitler knew that his first and greatest problem was to re­habilitate the German people -.not financially, so much as morally, intellectually and spiritually. And genius and patriot that he was' he succeeded miraculously. As Mussolini did in Italy. Churchill praised him, so did Lloyd George. . On the 19th of November, 1937, a strange thing happens.Lord Halifax visits Hitler. Halifax opens the discussion by telling Hit­ler that at the British Premier's request he has oome to have a heart to heart talk to see if they could not come to an agreement on all questions both countries were interested in . In England agreement, is deemed possible. They recognise, without any reserva­tion, the services of Hitler to Germany.Every member of the Englis government, withoutb exception, is absolutely convinced that not only was Germany saved by him by dislodging communism in her ter­ritory but also Western Europe as a result of the bulwark placed b, Hitler between it and bolshevism. Halifax mentions the various mat --------Please turn page 2------ r
