Entomologica Romanica Vol. 17 / 2012


Table. 1. Percentage abundance (A%) and frequency of consumption (f%) of prey taxa by both amphibian species. road. The contact with the two nocturnal frog species was facilitated by a warm spring rain shower that took place just at the sunset. The captured amphibians were deposited separately according to the species, in plastic buckets with little water. After about an hour the collecting of amphibians was stopped and started stomach content sampling. These were obtained by using the stomach flushing method (Sóié et al. 2005). Afterwards, the amphibians were released into the sectors in wich were captured. The samples were preserved individually in airtight test tubes containing a 4 % formaldehyde solution and subsequently analysed in the laboratory. The terrestrial isopods were separated Epidalea viridis Sp“'eS A% K Pelt Araneae 6.02 Acarina 1.88 Isopoda 23.31 Diplopoda 0.75 Chilopoda Thysanura Orthoptera­ abates syriacus ___________f%_______ 21 Table. 2. The isopod species consumed by the amphibian species from Ceamurlia de Jos (No.= number of identified individuals, A%= percentage abundance, f%=frequency) 8.77 22.22--- 6
