Európa 2002, 2001 (2. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)

2001-12-01 / 4. szám

Európa*2002* new because it doesn't comply with the legal and linguistic traditions of the Candidates, and I am convinced that the interpretation of the adopted national transposition measures in the CEECs will be not easy in the future. (ii) another problem relates to the codifica­tion on e-commerce etc. and the necessary codificatory techniques. Difficult issue is where and how to regulate the law on IT technology or e-commerce etc? In the Civil Codes, or in the Commercial Codes, where available, or in the Consumer Protection Codes, where available?25 By one framework law with several lower-level implementing measures, or in one very detailed Act? What about the role of the standards (EN, CEN, ETSI as well as the domestic ones?) in this law-making domain? It is almost unavoidable that the transposing national regulatory frame­work be fragmented, undesirably comprehen­sive and over-structured, whereby making the practical implementation (the application and the interpretation of the relevant laws) thus sometimes very difficult. That is why I think that the concerned judges, law-enforcement agents, prosecutors, attorneys, notaries should be trained in this new branch of law as early as possible. Special vocabularies/glossaries and law-dictionaries are also needed to be devel­oped in my opinion. 3.4. Legal implications from a Hungarian perspective Hungary was among the first candidate coun­tries, which reacted very promptly on the new challenges brought by the fact that the Action Plan eEurope 2002 was adopted in June 2000 at the Feira EU Summit.2'' The Hungarian Government reached opera­tive decisions after the EU Lisbon Summit like for example: - setting up a special Government Commissioner post within the Prime Minister Office22, - setting up a special (standing) Parliamentary Committee on Information Society - adopting a „Strategy for National Information Society", with an allocation of 40 Billion HUF in the Act on Two-years Central Budget for implementation2“ - adoption of an intensive legislative pro­gramme in relation to building up an infor­mation society in Hungary25 29, - after the Czech Republic, Hungary is the sec­ond Candidate where national transposition measure was enacted on electronic signature (Act No. XXXV. of 2001 on electronic signa­ture)30 31 - adoption of the Act No. XL on Telecommuni­ cation ('A Hirközlésről')3' Melléklet 25 See: Lajos Vékás: 'The problems of preparing a new Civil Code in Hungary' in Annales 2000 October of the Hungarian Law Society, Budapest, pp. 173 -208., in particular on pages 181. et seq. 26 See as further literature in Hungarian: (1) Újváriné Antal Edit: Az elektronikus aláírás és a hitelesítés-szolgáltatással össze­függő felelősségi szabályok in jogtudományi Közlöny, 2001 április, Budapest, pp. 1 79-192., and Csenterics Ágnes: Az elek­tronikus aláírás, elektronikus irat szabályozásának kérdései in Napi Jogász, Budapest 2001/2 pp. 17-18., or special supple­ment of HVG (Weekly World Economy) on 'Business at Net', issue of 2001, published on the 3rd of March, pp 65-90. as well as the article on electronic signature, written by Imre Tevan, in the same issue of HVG on pp. 117-120. 27 See: 1045/2000 (V. 31) Korm.h. az informatikai kormánybiztos kinevezéséről, illetve 1050/2000 (VI.23), and Korm.h. az államigazgatási informatika koordinációjának továbbfejlesztéséről szóló 1066/1999 (IV.11) Korm. határozat módosításáról, and 1051/2000 (VI.28) Korm.h. a kormányzati munkamegosztás megváltozásával összefüggő egyes feladatok ellátásáról. Similarly see: ' Elektronikus közbeszerzés/Digitális tender: Az informatikai kormánybiztos (Sik Zoltán) első terve a közbesz­erzés minden láncszemének elektronizálása', Figyelő, issue of 2000 június 29-július 5, page 25. 28 See: Teván Imre: 'Informatikai fejlesztési program/ Civilek a pályán', HVG (Weekly World Economy), issue of 26.05-2001, pp. 120-121. As far as the most recent statistics in Hungary are concerned in terms of the eEurope concept see: 'IDC- felmérés a visegrádi országok internetpiacáról-hozzáférésben már az élen járunk, Világgazdaság 2001 július 12, page 7 or 'Geese Mariann-Szabó Brigitta: 'ezerféle ügyintézés a világhálón', Népszabadság 2001 július 24, page 17. 29 See: in 'Európa 2002'Vol. 2001, issue No. 2, Annex В, pages l-XXXII, in particular on page XXII. 30 For further literature see: 1075/2000 (IX. 13) Korm.h. az elektronikus aláírásról szóló törvény szabályozási alapelveiről és az ezzel kapcsolatban szükséges intézkedésekről, also Jambrik Gergely: ' Mérföldkő, de nem varázsszer: E-aláirás-aláirás-e?, and 'Elekronikus aláirás-Szignált törvény, Figyelő 2001, issue of június 7-13, page 43-45. 31 It should be noted that according to Article 107 of the recently adopted Act more than 50 implementing Decrees will have to be adopted till 23rd December 2001 when the whole Act will enter into force (Article 103(1)). I doubt whether such a domping law-making could succeed by the given deadline. Similar problem can be identified with the new Act on electronic signature (Article 27, more than 10 implementing Decrees should be adopted by September 2001 when the new Act will enter into force). 12 2001. december
