Harc, 1944 (4. évfolyam, 1-52. szám)

1944-05-13 / 20. szám

Vol. IV. évf. AMERICANS AND THE FUTURE OF EUROPE By M. A. GOLDZIEHER “The beginning of the end” of Hitlerism being in sight, it behooves thinking Americans to ponder about the Order that ought toi succeed the Nazi’s “New Order” in Europe. The assumption that Americans are inter­ested in the future of Europe is not unreasonable, notwithstanding mani­festations of still powerful isolation­ist sentiment. Such interest is based primarily on trade relations; the pre­valence of the political ideologies of Europe, however, has alwa.ys affected the U. S., for a sizable percentage of our population maintains cultural ties with their respective homeland. Their newspapers and literature in­fluence political thought equally on both sides of the Atlantic. Contempo­rary European ideas permeate our consciousness, even though they may be alien to American ways; yet, they infiltrate the mentality also of native American stock, without the help of excuse of racial or linguistic ties. Military events finally are. going to subdue the ardor of these pro-Fascists and pro-Nazis but the imported ideologies are bound tot keep up controversy and strife in this country for some time to come. The misconception is prevalent that the post-war problems of Europe are primarily of economic nature, in the sense that Nazi waste and pillage or actual war damages have destroyed production and reduced purchasing power. Political problems are classi­fied as related mainly to questions of nationalistic aspiration. Contrary to such superficial generalization, the political situation of Europe is packed with dynamite; evil forces a,re care­fully planning a political offensive in oader to marshal American support for their self-seeking projects. The attempt will be made to impress gulli­ble Americans that the interest of the ruling classes of Europe coincide with our own interests, primarily in respect to Russian influence over Western Europe. Russian supremacy there would merely precede the day when the Bolshevik tide sweeps across the Atlantic and engulfs the Ameri­can way of life. This catastrophe can be forestalled only by entrusting the reins of Government in Europe to “responsible elements whose qualifi­cation to maintain order and guaran­tee stability is vouched for by histo­rical precedent”. The ruling classes of Europe are a motley crew, but they comprise the same groups in all countries: the “2tX) families” in France; the Span­ish hierarchy and its unholy business partner, Juan March; the House of Savoy and its Supportes among Italian industrialists and bankers; the feudal landlords of Poland, Hungary. Rou­­mania and the Baltic states who con­trol a large portion or the rural vote; the petty nobility of Central Europe which has successfully monopolized government employment; and finally the church, which may take its spirit­ual guidance from Rome, yet con­tinues an independent local policy concerned with the maintenance of economic privilege. The whole group obviously prefers to hide behind nationalistic, monarchic or religious slogans and is unwilling to admit that their chief concern is the protection of their economic stake. If these elements can maintain their power, they may support a “cordon sani­­taire ' against Russia but they cannot assure real stability. The peoples of Europe have suffered too much dur­ing these last years and cannot fail to raise the question of responsibility. Meek submission to the “born” rulers sureh will give way to the belief that government by choisen representatives of the people might have saved them from disaster. The example of Russia, moreover, will be a potent factor, even - though the Soviet government may refrain from active propaganda. The slanderous description of Soviet Russia as the land of chaos and in­efficiency is not tenable any longer in view of the feats of the Red Army, which are inconceivable without an efficient industrial machinery that must be capable of producing also peacetime goods after the war. The enticing picture of Soiviet pro­gress can be counterbalanced in the Laptársaink figyelmébe! Nyomatékosan kérjük: híreink átvételével ne mulasszák el lapun­kat, mint hírforrást megjelölni. A “Harc” szerkesztősébe.. eyes of the European peoples only bv a truly democratic system which starts with abolition of all class privileges and accords everybody an equal chance to earn his bread by product­ive labor. Yet no democratic system can live up to its tenets unless its control is entrusted to genuine be­lievers in its principles, and not to late converts who foresook Fascism onl\ after its utter military defeat. It is safe to predict that the loudest acclaim for the democratic sy stem will come finn the ranks of the old ruling classes who wil gladly pav lip­­sen ie to democracy provided thev can maintain their toehold on the government. The American people have a dou­ble stake in the establishment of democratic governments in Europe: the increased earning capacity and standard of living of millions and millions of Europeans will furnish new customers for our industrial out­put; stability and prosperity will stop the breeding of subversive ideas which the Old Continent used to trade in for our loans and merchand­ise. It would be foolish and deserv­ing of the facetious term ,“globolony” to believe that democracy and a high standard of living can survive in­definitely if limited to one relatively small part of the globe while people elsewhere starve and live in servitude. Americans of European extraction, who are better acquainted with the problems of the Old Continent, must feel it their dutv to call the attention of their fellow citizens to the funda­mental importance of these issues. We cannot affo,rd to lose the peace after paying such a frightful price in blood and money for winning this war. The American people should not permit that reorganization of liberated Euroijre be determined by political expediency, electioneering considera­tions or the influence of pressure groups who. do the bidding of the old rulers of Europe. NEW YORK, MAY 13, 1944 Károlyi távirata a londoni Magyar Tanács megalakulásáról Vámbéry Rusztem, New York London. Megalakítottuk a Nagybrittanniai Magyar Tanácsot, mely veze­tésem alatt egyesíti a Londoni Magyar Clubot, a Nagybrittanniai Magyarok Egyesületét és a Dr. Lévy-Mannheim-Rostás-Káldor-féle gazdasági szakértő csoportot. A Tanács elfogadta programomat az új demokratikus Magyaror­szág kiharcolása és felépítése tekintetében. Levél egyidejűleg megy. KÁROLYI MIHÁLY. “FIGHT”—weekly OF THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF DEMOCRATIC HCNOAHIANS Off le«: m Eait 8*tJi Street, Xew York, S. Y. Horthy újabb gratuláló távirata Hitler Adolfhoz A budapesti rádió jelenti május 4-én: “A kormányzó úr május elsején, a német nemzeti ünnep alkalmából, üdvözlő táviratot küldött Hitlernek. A Führer barátságos válaszban köszönte meg a sürgönyt és kifejezte bizalmát a közeli győzelemben. Sztójar miniszterelnök ugyanakkor a magyar kormány jókívánságait fejezte ki a Führer előtt.” Anti-Nazi Newapaper No. 20. szám 30uul! JifhL A D. M. A. Si. HETILAPJA Mi E. 80th Street, X. Y. C. 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