Kapu, 2014. október (26. évfolyam, 10. szám)

THRUSTMASTER 02012 Guillemot Corporation S A. Heteid«* and Thru stmaiter" are registered trademarks of GmHemot Corporatron S A Ferren 111 registered trademarks cf Ferrari SpA Thrs product is manufactured under iKerrsefrom Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Kinect, Xbo» Xbo« UVEXb< are trademarks of theMiaosoftgroupofcompemes All other trademarks and beend rumesarehereby acknowledged and are property d then respective owners Illustrations not binding Contents designs and specifications are subiect to change wehout notice and may vary fro GET READY! NO MORE SET UP EXCUSE. Perrari Vibration GT Cockpit 458 Italia Edition For PC and Xbox 3GO® Compatible PC WINDOWS© 8, 7, Vista® & XP www.thrustmaster.com http://red-collection.thrustmaster.com errari XBOX 360. PRODUCED UNDER LICENSE OF FERRARI SPA. FERRARI, THE PRANCING HORSE DEVICE. All ASSOCIATED LOGOS AND DISTINCTIVE DESIGNS ARE TRADEMARKS OF FERRARI SPA. THE BODY DESIGNS OF THE FERRARI CARS ARE PROTECTED AS FERRARI PROPERTY UNDER DESIGN, TRADEMARK AND TRADE DRESS REGULATIONS. LICENSED FOR
