Kapu, 2014. november-december (26. évfolyam, 11-12. szám)

THRUSTM/ISTER GET READY! NO MORE SET UP Ferrari Vibration GT Cockpit 458 Italia Edition For PC and Xbox 360® Compatible PC WINDOWS® S, 7, Vista® & XP LICENSED FOR XBOX 360. www.t h ru st m a ste r.co m http://recl-collection.thrustmaster.com errari PRODUCED UNDER LICENSE Of f ERRARI SPA. FERRARI, 1HE PRANCING HORSE DEVICE, ALL ASSOCIATED LOGOS AND DISTINCTIVE DESIGNS ARE TRADEMARKS OF FERRARI SPA. THE BODY DESIGNS OF THE FERRARI CARS ARE PROTECTED AS FERRARI PROPERTY UNDER DESIGN. TRADEMARK AND TRADE DRESS REGULATIONS. 02012 Guillemot Corporation S A Hercules' and Thru stmaster' are registered trademarks of Guillemot Corporation S A Ferrari is a legisteredtrademai ks erf Fen an SpA This product is manufactured under license horn Microsoft Corporation Microsoft, Klnect, Xbox, Xbox UVE. Xtx* 300. and the Xbox logos are trademarks of the Microsoft groupofcompamesAl other trademarks and brand names arehereby acknowledged and are property of then respective owners Illustrations not binding. Contents, designsartd specifications a>esub)ectto change without notice and may varyfrom one country to anothei
