Kornai János: “Man-Machine Planning“, Economics of Planning, 1969, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 209-234. Original: 5.42, in Hungarian, 1969.

ECONOMICS OF PLANNING Vol. 9, No. 3, 1969 Printed in Norway Man-machine planning1 J. Kornai2 Institute of Economics Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest 1. INTRODUCTION For the solution of large-scale linear programming problems, it may be useful to resort to what have been called decomposition algorithms. A number of methods have been developed in recent years. Experience has shown, however, that slow convergence to the optimum is a common characteristic of all these methods.3 In the following, an approximation method for solving decomposable problems is presented.4 The underlying mathematical concept is not original; the procedure may be considered as a naive heuristic variant of the Dantzig-Wolfe [2] decomposition algorithm (hereafter, the D-W method.) It cannot guarantee that the optimum of the original, unde­composed problem will be reached. It may, however, help to obtain as early as the first iteration programs with a comparatively favorable ob­jective function value, which also lend themselves readily to practical interpretation. The subject is treated as follows: In Chapter 2, definitions are given and assumptions presented. Chap­ter 3 describes the approximation method in general form. Chapter 4 re­commends some computational “tricks” to increase the efficiency of the 1 I am grateful to I. Danes, T. Lipták, B. Martos, R. Norton for useful comments. 2 The author is Professor of Economics at the Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. 3 No investigations are known to have been carried out thus far with the aim of com­paring, on the basis of genuinely representative computation series (i.e., problems of sufficient size and variety of structure), the practical computational efficiency of the various non-decomposition, and decomposition, exact and approximative methods of linear programming. 4 For a first description see [4].
