Zimmermann Zita - Szabó Gábor (szerk.): VIII. Kárpát-medencei Biológiai Szimpózium - I. Fenntartható fejlődés a Kárpát-medencében nemzetközi konferencia (Gödöllő, 2013)


értéket. Ezek közül említést érdemel a Physalis pruinosa (földicseresznye, földieper­­paradicsom, hólyagcseresznye), Physalis ixocarpa (tomatillo, mexikói földicseresznye), Physalis angulata (mullaca, téli cseresznye), Physalis peruviana (perui földicseresznye, ananászcseresznye, poha vagy ehető zsidócseresznye) stb. A perspektivikus fajok klimatikus igényeinek vizsgálatát az ország két-három pontján tervezem végezni. A kapott morfológiai adatokat, továbbá az állomány homo-és heterogenitás mértékét összevetve, kapcsolatát a helyi meteorológiai mérési eredményekkel, a statisztikai módszereket (variancia-analízis, homogenitás, populáció heterogenitás, korreláció) alkalmazásával szeretném tisztázni a fizáliszok termeszthetőségét. A fenofázisokat szükséges pontosan vizsgálni, majd a virágzási időszakban a megporzási lehetőségeket. A bogyótermés érésbeli egyöntetűsége, egyedi beltartalmi értékek, tárolhatósági mutatók mind hozzátartoznak e faj, s fajok termeszthetőségének a megismeréséhez. Interpretation of the climate change in the Carpthian Basin Loksa Gábor Szent István University, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Science, Institute of Environmental and Landscape Management, Department of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology, H-2103 Gödöllő, Páter Károly u. 1. Corresponding author: loksa.gabor@gmail.com Area of the Carpathian Basin, in sense of climate, is a transition zone in respect of the continental, oceanic and the mediterranean climates. The different effects result in considerable variability in course of temperature and precipitation, as well as in their geographical distribution. As compared with the basic state, the change, that has started to become more observable in the second half of the twentieth century, still enhances the variability being present, by resulting in appearance of more frequent extreme weather situations. The aim of this lecture is to point out the modifications of production site conditions by subsumming the most important properties of modifications in climate of Carpathian Basin. Specific data for temporal and quantitative modification in heat and precipitation should be normative to think over the different area uses, crop production and treatment of our protected areas and to realise the corrections needed. The climate change is a process which we are just in. Its ’boundaries’ are not known at present, but its more and more standing out nature gives some guidelines. Periods consisting of days with high average temperature (27 °C) and burdened with drought situation has already occured several times in summertime in the last years. Additionally, very rapid temperature variations eventuating during 1-2 days and exceeding 15-20 °C has occured several times in wintertimes and in the transition seasons. Nature of the present climate change is well characterized by these examples. In addition to the more frequent appearance of temperature extremities off the reel, the precipitation course shows considerable change in accordance with that. All these facts make the predictability of the different weather situations more difficult, and meanwhile the role of short term forecasts is valorized, furthermore the exploration of characteristics and stability of mesoclimatic and microclimatic specialities becomes more and more important. 51
