Acta Biologica 38. (1987)

2. szám - J. Szabad–M. Erdélyi–J. Szidonya: Characterization of Fs(2)1, a germ-line dependent dominant female sterile mutation of Drosophila

J. SZABAD et al. However, if the mosaic egg primordium exhibits normal development, the muta­tion is generally considered to be somatic (follicular) dependent. Mosaic egg primordia are generated either by the transplantation of pole cells (ancestors of germ-line cells, /8/ or by the dominant female sterile technique, /9/). The dominant female sterile technique makes use of germ-line dependent dominant female sterile mutations (Fs). Mitotic recombi­nation is induced in oogonial cells heterozygous for Fs and the m mutation to be studied. (The mutations Fs and m are located in trans on the same arm of the homologous chromosomes.) The Fs-free daughter cell may continue development (unless the m mutation interferes with it) and give rise to mosaic egg primordia in which the m homozygous germ-line cells are surround­ed by m heterozygous follicular cells. (Although the follicular cells are Fs heterozygous, they develop normally because Fs does not disturb the func­tions of these cells.) Two Fs mutations have been reported and used in the dominant female sterile technique: Fs(2)D /10, 12/ and Fs(l)K1237 /2, 4/ for a review see /5/. Fs(l)K1237 is X-linked, while Fs(2)D is located on distal 2R. We have recently carried out a systematic screen for the isolation of EMS-induced autosomal Fs mutations. From over 70 Fs mutations induced only one — Fs(2)l — emerged that can be used for the construction of germ­­line mosaics /3/. This paper describes the characteristics of Fs(2)l. MATERIALS AND METHODS The analysis of Fs(2)l/al dp b prcc ppL s£ females is described. They were derived from a cross between ai cp b рг c px sp homozygous females and Fs(2)l/Cy Roi or Fs(2)l/Bc Gla males, al, dp, b, pr, c, px and sp are recessive, while Cy, Roi~Be and Gla are dominant marker mutations located on balancer chromosomes. /For a description see 6./ The Fs(2)l males were derived from a stock in which Be Gla/Су Roi females were mated with Fs(2)l/Bc Gla or Fs(2)l/Cy Roi males, and the fertile Be Gla/Су Roi males were discarded in every generation. For the study of egg morphology, eggs deposited by the Fs(2)l heterozygous females were fixed in an acetic acid: glycerol (1:1) mixture at 60 UC for one hour, mounted in Hoyer's medium and cleared for 1-2 days at 60 и /11/. Ovaries were analyzed on Feulgen-stained whole mounts. For the induction of germ-line mosaicism, late second to early third instar larvae (46-50 h after oviposition) or 3-5-day-old adult females were ir­radiated with 1500 R of X-rays (150 kV, 0.5 mm Al filter, 1000 R/min). In the case of adult irradiations, females were mated with al dp b pr c px sp homozygous males prior to X-raying. Lots of five females plus 8-10 males were transferred into vials and screened for mosaicism throughout 10-14 days. This period is necessary to identify over 95% of the mosaics /10/. Upon the detection of mosaicism, females were screened individually for several more days.
