Acta Paediatrica 17. (1976)

3. szám - Recensiones

18th INTERNATIONAL MONTESSORI CONGRESS 1977 will be held in München, Germany, on 4—8 July, 1977. Theme: Montessori method and the handicapped child President: Dr. Mario Montessori, Amsterdam. Chairman: Prof. Dr. med. Th. Hellbrügge, München. The congress is organized by the “Association Montessori Internationale”, Amsterdam, and “Aktion Sonnenschein” — Hilfe für das mehrfachbehinderte Kind —, München. Main lectures: A. Grosso, Turin: The Montessori method applied to the mentally retarded child. Th. Hellbrügge, München: The Montessori method and the handicapped child. N. Jordan, Dublin: Emotionally disturbed and unadjusted children. M. Montessori, Amsterdam: The regulation of the emotionally disturbed child by the Montessori method. K. Neise, Köln: The Montessori method applied to children with learning difficulties. J. R. Osterkorn, Milwaukee: Early childhood disturbances, the adult and society. J. Pechstein, Mainz: Socially handicapped and disturbed children. M. E. Stephenson, Washington: Montessori and the child with speach- and hearing difficulties. Workshops will be held on “The usage of Montessori materials” and “Programs for early therapy and early pedagogy. The “Aktion Sonnenschein” will organize a demonstration of the programs for early diagnostic, early therapy and early social integration of multiply and variously handicapped children in the Kinderzentrum, München on July 7, 1977. The congress will take place in the “Deutsches Museum” in München. Languages: English, German. Participation fee: DM 150,— Detailed information will be sent after application. Contact: “Montessori-Kongress München”, Kinderzentrum München, Güll­strasse 3, D-8000 München 2 (West Germany).
