Acta Veterinaria 14. (1964)

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Mahkovits, P. and Tóth, В.: The Propagation of Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) in Tissue Cultures. III. Cultivation of Certain NDV Vaccine Strains in Cultures of Mammal Origin......................................................................................................................................... 63 Márkus, J., Kovács, Gy. and Fésűs, L.: The Frequency of Genes Controlling /J-Glohulin Types of Blood Sera in Hungarian Spotted Cattle................................................................. 437 Misra, M. S. and Kemény, A.: Studies on the Oviduct and Serum of Fowls. I. Oxygen Uptake, Alkaline Phosphatase Activity, Concentration of Phosphorus, Calcium and Magnesium in Adult Hungarian Yellow Hens .............................................................. 389 Misra, M. S. and Kemény, A.: Studies on the Oviduct and Serum of Fowls. II. Oxygen Uptake by the Regions of the Oviduct and Effect of Calcium Ion on it, the Con­centration of Inorganic Phosphorus, Calcium and Magnesium and the Level of Alkaline Phosphatase Activity in Serum of Hungarian Yellow Pullets........................ 443 Molnár, К.: Zwei neue monogenetische Egelarten.......................................................................... 247 Molnár, К.: Über die Parasitenfauna der Fische in Ungarn. II. Bekannte und neue Dactylogyrus-Arten an einheimischen Fischen........................................................................ 455 Oláh, P. and Palatka, Z.: Haemolytic Properties of Organ Extracts from Chickens Infected with Newcastle Disease Virus .................................................................................... 383 Palyusik, М.: Preparation of Experimental Vaccine against the Chronic Paratyphoid of Pigs. I. Comparative Studies of Different Salmonella typhi-suis Vaccines in Mice and Rabbits ........................................................................................................................................... 71 Palytjsik, М.: Preparation of Experimental Vaccine against the Chronic Paratyphoid of Pigs. II. Laboratory Tests in Pigs on a Formolized Aluminium Hydroxide-Ad­sorbed Vaccine Prepared from Salmonella typhi-suis....................................................... 77 Palyusik, М.: Preparation of Experimental Vaccine against Chronic Paratyphoid of Pigs. III. Field Trials with Formolized Aluminium-Hydroxide-Adsorbed Salmonella typhi-suis Vaccine.................................................................................................................................... 211 Romváry, J.: Respiratory Disease Caused in Suckling Calves by a PLV Virus...................... 469 Simonyi, E., Bognár, K., Kucsera, G. and Regős, J.: Comparative Studies on the Potency of Different Crystal-Violet Swine-Fever Vaccine Batches.............................................. 51 Stützel, M., N. Gáspár, Susan, Kemény, A. and Boldizsár, H.: Studies on the Thyroid Gland with Radio-Iodine, V. The Influence of Feeding with Antibiotics on the Tissue Metabolism of Chickens ..................................................................................................... 171 Szabó, I. and Széky, A.: The Incidence of Regional Ileitis in Pigs and in a Rabbit............ 219 Széky, L., Csontos, L. und Flórián, E.: Ein Fall von generalisierter Cryptococcosis beim Hund.............................................................................................................................................................. 127 СПАССКАЯ, Л. П.: Цестоды птиц Тувы. VII. Hymenolepididae ..................................... 19 СПАССКАЯ, Л. П.: К фауне птиц Тувы ........................................................................................ 35 Takács, J.: Hygiene and Microbiological Qualification of Sausages......................................... 15 Tóth, B., Géczy, G. Lakits, G. and Barsy, G.: Characteristic Feathering Disorder Observed in Chickens Fed with Vitamin D3 Deficient Diet................................................ 57 Tóth, В. and Markovits, P.: Studies on the Immunogenicity of Newcastle Disease Vaccine Strains in Growing Chickens ......................................................................................................... 339 Urbányi, L.: Zur Frage der Karotinversorgung von Rindern....................................................... 267 Urbányi, L.: Weitere Untersuchungen über die Rachitis der jungen Mastbullen............... 273 Varga, I.: Immunization Experiments with Irradiated Larvae. I. Studies on the Effect of X-rays on Eggs and Larvae of Ascaridia galli................................................................... 95 Varga, L: ImmunizationExperimcnts with Irradiated Larvae. II. The Resistance-inducing Effect of Treatment with Irradiated Larvae of Ascaridia galli in Chickens............ 399 Varga, L: Immunization Experiments with Irradiated Larvae. III. The Effect of X-rays upon Eggs and Larvae of Syngamus trachea............................................................................. 411
